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From the main tarrace you have a nice view over Gap and the surrounding area.
02-OldFarm-1 * An old farm that is still to be restored, near the castle, fro aside. * 1984 x 1488 * (356KB)

02b-OldFarm-2 * The same building, afront * 1984 x 1488 * (597KB)

02a-RoofDetail * Detail of the roof * 1984 x 1488 * (382KB)

03-Castle * The castle is the administrative center of the Parc National d' Ecrins. It has been restored, and the gardens have been re-established using modern materials but with old races of roses and fruit. * 1984 x 1488 * (478KB)

Click for the original image
04-Gap.jpg - 1984 x 1488 - (518KB)
24-Jul-2008 21:57
05-Level1-1 * The first level of traccesses houses fruit trees lead against the wall * 1984 x 1488 * (668KB)

24-Level1-Stairs * Modern stairs lead up - and down * 2304 x 3072 * (1.21MB)

24-Level1-Fruit * The other side of th terrace. * 1984 x 1488 * (621KB)

24-Level1-Wall * Overview of the first level * 3072 x 2304 * (1.31MB)

06-Lizard * Lizard in the sun * 1170 x 1038 * (342KB)

$text.updated-on 12-Sep-2008 23:24
(c) 2008 Willem Grooters, Rita ter Steege