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The walk projected on GoogleEarth. Not so may pictures this time...
04-Oct-2008 * The track of this walk. Start and Finish in Austerlitz, on the Dorpsplein (actaully, Het Treftpunt on the Northern end of this square). We parked nearby.Our rest was at De Piramide; another place to start. * 1289 x 615 * (550KB)

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Google.jpg - 1315 x 616 - (278KB)
05-Oct-2008 21:13
01-WetPath * On entering the woods, the track was wet - the trenches created by heavy machinery used in works in the woods. The stems lay futher on aside the path * 1488 x 1984 * (559KB)

02-NewNature * This area has been cleared from trees some time ago - it should form heather lands or a place where the wind can form  sand dunes. * 5411 x 1435 * (1.2MB)

03-Wallenberg * The location of the former house named Wallenberg. The only remains is the well in front, and a hedge where the house used to be. The fundaments are likely below this. * 1984 x 1488 * (616KB)

04-Tussocks * Where trees have been cut, the grass forms tussocks  - sign of a somewaht wet area. * 1984 x 1488 * (550KB)

05-Sodded * An area that is sodded - the top layer removed, in order to have heahter re-appear (heather seed can sprout after many, many years) * 1984 x 1488 * (674KB)

$text.updated-on 05-Oct-2008 21:48
(c) 2008 Willem Grooters