HOME  »  GroeneHartPad - Ouderkerk-BerkelRodenrijs  (29 Slides)     [Page 2 of 2] :: $text.jump-to  
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19-Prinsenmolen * At one end, there is the Prinsenmolen - named as such because one of the princes of Orange paid it a visit. * 1410 x 1578 * (160KB)
20-Holland * Typically Holland. Could be a painiting by an old master: Water, a mill and clouds. Tall buildings on the horizon spoil the impression.... * 1984 x 1488 * (221KB)
21-Path * A narrow path along a canal in Hillegersberg, just North of Rotterdam. * 1488 x 1984 * (620KB)
22-MarinaBuildings * At a marine, new wooden offices are built. * 1984 x 1488 * (620KB)
23-Park * The park North of Schiebroek, going straight on * 1984 x 1488 * (540KB)
24-BullAndCalf * and then we had to cross when these Highlander bull and his cows and calves passed - with no hurry. * 1984 x 1488 * (474KB)
25-Portrait * Mr Bull in profile. * 1984 x 1488 * (471KB)
26-RunningSpace * Another stretch of free space - like we saw a lot this walk. * 1984 x 1488 * (357KB)
27-WildCorner * A wild edge at the end of the park, just before Rodenrijs. * 3108 x 1472 * (727KB)
$text.updated-on 15-Sep-2008 22:56
(c) 2008 Willem Grooters