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The roofs of one of Beijings most expensive restaurants, fairly traditional (and that makes it expensive) in front of the modern skyline.
05-Guard * Guarded by lions, one on each side. * 1488 x 1984 * (433KB)

06-MainGate * The gate on the island side of the dam. From here we went to the right, along the water. * 1984 x 1488 * (515KB)

07-BushedTemple * A temple hidden in the woods. * 1972 x 1386 * (494KB)

08-StairGate * This gate marks the stairs going  up the hill, and using the stair on the left we came near the dome. * 1488 x 1984 * (514KB)

09-WhitePine * A white pine - a typical Chinese, and somewaht rare species. * 1488 x 1984 * (589KB)

Click for the original image
10-OldAndnew.jpg - 1984 x 1488 - (294KB)
02-Jun-2008 22:43
11-Panorama-1 * Looking over the lake. The New Forbidden City - the location of the current Chinese Government - is on the left. * 7336 x 1344 * (744KB)

12-Panorama-2 * The skyline from a different location. * 6480 x 1428 * (857KB)

13-Detail-1 * Paintwork on one of the gates * 1984 x 1488 * (477KB)

14-Detail-2 * Inside a dome. * 1984 x 1488 * (442KB)

15-Detail-3 * The colourfull decoration of a temple building. * 1984 x 1230 * (442KB)

$text.updated-on 24-Jun-2008 20:37
(c) 2008 Willem Grooters