
New installs
Some time tonight to prepare some software updates (got the patches off the HP OpenVMS site and stored them on Diana) and to install some ne stuff. Availability Manager, to start with. The 2.4 version doesn’t work on 8.3, appearantly, so I got the 2.6 version and installed it – and have it running now.
Updated SWB (Mozilla) tp 17.13, and tried to install the X11vnc server and VNC , but both fail. The first because theet is no [.VNS]TEST.*;* file, the second (to be built first, I guess) because some include file is missing.

It was too late to handle this.

This weekend, I plan to install the patches so the system may be down for some time tomorrow night.
I’ve got to do some math on the system parameters, to enhance system performance. In other words: tune the box. I’ll do that some time, now it runs relatively well. It could be better. Well, lets gather some data. T4 runs all the time, I should be able to get out some results! Perhaps TDC? I’ll look into that as well.

WordPress isn’t one of the updates, I still have to test 2.3, and 2.3-1 is due to come out soon.