
Renewed licenses
Being a VMS hobbyist user on this site, the licences need to be renewed each year – and the expiration date is close. Ok, I have a few weeks left but to be sure to have them installed in time, I requested a new set of licences for VMS and Process Software’s mail-frontend – my spam-filter. The VMS licenses of course requested via OpenVMS.org (they offer an entry to request them) after I renewed my Connect membership – though I could propably have saved the $25 if only the Dutch HP User group had the membership number displayed on their meber site….) and I got the procedure for renewal the next day by email, thnaks to John Egolf. Installed them, so I can go on until 15-Sep-2015.
Next, pushed the VAX_VMS spec to Process as proof that I DO have a hobbyist license and requested a new PMAS license – which again, I got by email witgin 24 hours, thanks to Hunter Goatley. Installed that license (remotely :)) and I’m free from most spam until 4-Sep-2015.. There is a slight gap, but that will be addressed next year, in August.