Building OpenBLAS – and got a production environment at VSI

Got account on VSI’s CTRL-C cluster to do the real work – officially I cannot do anything ‘commercial’ on my hobbyist license, but investigation of how to build open-source packages are allowed….
set thing up – for now – environments for OpenBLAS ans Numy: copied ZIP’s of these packages and extracted them here. Start with building OpenBLAS using Jouk Jansen’s MMS files – MMS can handle the make-files which makes life a lot easier. But almost directly there is a problem:
JULIA$ mms

ifndef TOPDIR
%MMS-W-DRVPARSERR, Parser error: "syntax error" in file ./MAKEFILE.SYSTEM, line 8.
%MMS-F-DRVBADPARSE, Parser detected a fatal syntax error in the description file.

That is:
ifndef TOPDIR

So either ifndef is not understood – or ‘TOPDIR’ or ‘TOPDIR = .’. Perhaps the ALPHA code is designed for TRU64 (or Linux?) so some adjustments must be made for OpenVMS. Take into account that code seems to explicitly uses cache-settings (for optimation). That is: the code for ALPHA is still there but it may no longer be supported – the ALPHA processor is left out of supported CPU’s. Probably just TRU64 or Linux at the time – same applies for IA64. It is however questionable whether these are needed, because the Numpy docs state:

Linear Algebra libraries
NumPy does not require any external linear algebra libraries to be installed. However, if these are available, NumPy’s setup script can detect them and use them for building. A number of different LAPACK library setups can be used, including optimized LAPACK libraries such as ATLAS, MKL or the Accelerate/vecLib framework on OS X.

So whatever |Jouk Jansen has done already should be sufficient – easy enough

Disabling ATLAS and other accelerated libraries¶
Usage of ATLAS and other accelerated libraries in NumPy can be disabled via:
BLAS=None LAPACK=None ATLAS=None python build

so theer mey be need for a procedure to set things up for building ( This is a requirement for building the whole lot using Python. So I need Python on the cluster as well – with DisUtils installed/ It must be installed with ZLIB; but this is likely standard. Tried it on Diana: it looks like:

$ blas="none"
$ lapack="none"
$ atlas="none"
$ python build
Running from numpy source directory.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 415, in
File "", line 394, in setup_package
from numpy.distutils.core import setup
File "/USER/etw/numpy-1.16.3/numpy/distutils/", line 6, in

from . import ccompiler
File "/USER/etw/numpy-1.16.3/numpy/distutils/", line 18, in

from numpy.distutils import log
File "/USER/etw/numpy-1.16.3/numpy/distutils/", line 10, in

from .misc_util import (red_text, default_text, cyan_text, green_text,
File "/USER/etw/numpy-1.16.3/numpy/distutils/", line 12, in

import multiprocessing
File "/python_root/lib/multiprocessing/", line 84, in

import _multiprocessing
ImportError: No module named _multiprocessing

so somewhere this fails in basic code:

# Imports

import os
import sys

from multiprocessing.process import Process, current_process, active_children
from multiprocessing.util import SUBDEBUG, SUBWARNING

#set def
# Exceptions

class ProcessError(Exception):

class BufferTooShort(ProcessError):

class TimeoutError(ProcessError):

class AuthenticationError(ProcessError):

# This is down here because _multiprocessing uses BufferTooShort
import _multiprocessing < <<-----------------------ERROR # # Definitions not depending on native semaphores #

This seems more Python specific. Question JFP: What's going on here? Can it be suppressed?

OpenBLAS downloaded and first investigation

Downloaded OpenBLAS. This can be used because LAPACK (and BLAS) are included – latest versions (3.6.0) so this can be build uising Jouk Jansen’s files. Next it is finding out what can be done in Numpy.
Also got MatPlotLib – this contains three C/C++ packages that are required – and these may also be covered by Jouk Jansen – and for matPlotlib it is just a number of C sources, it is mainly a number of Python aources. This should also be possible.
NumPy itself is mostly Python – just some C sources

More attempts to build the packages – and more dependencies

Check what Jean-François Piéronne states in his building procedures: Python_root:[vms] sets the options for C, and actually build the modules but also add them directoy into pythonshr.exe – I doubt this is required for these routines, there is a large number of C and Fortran sources that need to be compiled first. Numpy is the first module to build because it is a requirement for SciPy.
Also downloaded the next part requested – again an older version (2.2.4) because of the limitation to Python 2.7. Didn’t install it yet, first process NumPy and SciPy. According the building procedure, in, it is required to locate them in python_root:[] :

“””Append module search paths for third-party packages to sys.path.

* This module is automatically imported during initialization. *

In earlier versions of Python (up to 1.5a3), scripts or modules that
needed to use site-specific modules would place “import site”
somewhere near the top of their code. Because of the automatic
import, this is no longer necessary (but code that does it still

This will append site-specific paths to the module search path. On
Unix (including Mac OSX), it starts with sys.prefix and
sys.exec_prefix (if different) and appends
lib/python/site-packages as well as lib/site-python.
On other platforms (such as Windows), it tries each of the
prefixes directly, as well as with lib/site-packages appended. The
resulting directories, if they exist, are appended to sys.path, and
also inspected for path configuration files.

A path configuration file is a file whose name has the form .pth; its contents are additional directories (one per line)
to be added to sys.path. Non-existing directories (or
non-directories) are never added to sys.path; no directory is added to
sys.path more than once. Blank lines and lines beginning with
‘#’ are skipped. Lines starting with ‘import’ are executed.

For example, suppose sys.prefix and sys.exec_prefix are set to
/usr/local and there is a directory /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages
with three subdirectories, foo, bar and spam, and two path
configuration files, foo.pth and bar.pth. Assume foo.pth contains the

# foo package configuration

and bar.pth contains:

# bar package configuration

Then the following directories are added to sys.path, in this order:


Note that bletch is omitted because it doesn’t exist; bar precedes foo
because bar.pth comes alphabetically before foo.pth; and spam is
omitted because it is not mentioned in either path configuration file.

After these path manipulations, an attempt is made to import a module
named sitecustomize, which can perform arbitrary additional
site-specific customizations. If this import fails with an
ImportError exception, it is silently ignored.


So boyh Numpy and SciPy should have a .pfh file – but in neither of them such a file exists – or the need to be created.

Second: both packages seem to require ATLAS and OpenBLAS, LAPACK and BLAS are not mentioned but a solution should be possible by placing blas-routines in a library (as LAPACK already has). using the mentioned options and adjustments to the build-procedures, it should be possible to build Numpy (found info here, it also contains references to the building tools like setuptools.

Older version of Scipy: investigate building using Python

Searched for the versions I can use; latest versions are (as to be expected) based on Python3.x, so I’ll have to deal with an older one. The last usable is version 1.2.1 for SciPy, for NumPy 1/16/3 is the lastest and according the specification, that should work with Python 2.7 as well. But where to find that one? Asked on StackOverflow and got all of them
Next I put all packages in a working environment, and looked into the Linux/Unix makefiles how to build it, and asked on
To build the packages, Python seems a requirement, so downloaded the latest disk-images for Alpha from the Python_on_VMS download pages and installed them, changed startup and login procedures and got it running. But following the SciPy building instructions, it doesn’t work:

Compiling /python_root/local/mpmath/libmp/ ...
File "/python_root/local/mpmath/libmp/", line 1
exec_ = exec
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Compiling /python_root/local/mpmath/tests/ ...
File "/python_root/local/mpmath/tests/", line 50
print("%s ok;" % name, end=' ')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

probably these are significant: it looks as if these are related to Python 3 or a test of balancing colors on screen. These need to be solved of course.

Next check how SciPy and Numpy are built: are C and Fortran used ‘under the hood’?

Started bullding LAPACK package on VMS

The top level of LAPACK contains the descript.mms file that build it all:
all :
set default [.install]
set default [-.src]
set default [-.blas]
set default [-.TESTING]
set default [-]

so a simple
$ mms
should do the trick. but first, there is this extra file to build. Again, life is made easy using mms:

$ set def [.vms_auto64_2^.8]
$ mms

cc/define=(VMS)/comment=as_is/prep=vms_auto64_.f90 vms_auto64.f90
f90/list/show=all/obj=vms_auto64.obj vms_auto64_.f90
delete vms_auto64_.f90;*
link vms_auto64.obj
f90/name=lower dummy_auto64.f90
All done
$ dir

Directory USER:[000000.prj.vms_auto64_2^.8]

descrip.mms;1 dummy_auto64.f90;1 dummy_auto64.OBJ;1 MODULE_FIRSTNS.F90$MOD;1
vms_auto64.EXE;1 vms_auto64.f90;1 vms_auto64.obj;1 vms_auto64_.LIS;1

Total of 10 files.
$ copy vms_auto64.EXE sys$library

Next, running the .mms file in the [.INSTALL] directory of LAPACK this works until an error occurs:

cc/define=(VMS)/comment=as_is/prep=slamch.f_ slamch.f
fortran/name=lower/float=ieee/ieee=denorm/nowarn/list/show=all/obj=slamch.obj slamch.f_
pipe link/map/full/exec=nl: slamch | copy sys$input nl:

mc sys$library:vms_auto64 slamch.lis
%FOR-F-INPRECTOO, input record too long
unit 442 file USER:[prj.lapack.INSTALL]slamch.f;1
user PC 00000000
-RMS-W-RTB, 140 byte record too large for user's buffer
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
image module routine line rel PC abs PC
LIBRTL 0 00000000000741FC FFFFFFFF80CA41FC
DEC$FORRTL 0 000000000004E284 FFFFFFFF810D4284
DEC$FORRTL 0 0000000000071318 FFFFFFFF810F7318
vms_auto64 MODULE_LASTNS VMS_AUTO64 558 0000000000003968 0000000000033968
%TRACE-I-END, end of TRACE stack dump
%MMS-F-ABORT, For target slamch.obj, CLI returned abort status: %X101880B4.
%MMS-F-ABORT, For target all, CLI returned abort status: %X10EE8034.

Examining why this happend, I found that line 157 in slamch.f exceeds 128 bytes; this is just a comment, it seems CRLF at the ‘normal’ length (72 characters) is missing so the line extends to 140 – causing the problem. breaking the line in two at position 72 solved the problem. The same happened in dlamch_64 where I also split the line. I notified Jouk Jansen (who did the porting) of this issue.
Further down the line creating and populating the oject library missed an object file and that file indeed was missing:
ibrary/crea [-]liblapack.olb dlamch.obj,dsecnd_INT_CPU_TIME.obj, ilaver.obj,lsame.obj,second_INT_CPU_TIME.obj, slamch.obj
library [-]liblapack.olb dlamch_64.obj,dsecnd_INT_CPU_TIME_64.obj, ilaver_64.obj,lsame_64.obj,second_INT_CPU_TIME_64.obj, slam
link LAPACK_version.obj,[-]liblapack.olb/lib
link/exec=LAPACK_version_64.exe LAPACK_version_64.obj, [-]liblapack.olb/lib
%LINK-F-OPENIN, error opening USER:[prj.lapack.INSTALL]LAPACK_version_64.obj; as input
-RMS-E-FNF, file not found
%MMS-F-ABORT, For target LAPACK_version_64.exe, CLI returned abort status: %X1064109C.

Next I built BLAS – by changing defaut add run the mms-file: here no problems at all, should be placed in the library.

Next, downloaded SciPy and Numpy, and MatPlotLib and it’s subsets. However, this requires Python 3.5 which is not available on VMS = being 2.7. Perhaps there are older version,s but where to get them? The site sint very clear on that: So ask around.