
New memory
New memory has arrived: the full 2 Gb, now stated “Compaq branded”. I installed it all tonight and so far it’s all in working order. The first set will be destroyed, because it is too unreliable containing these bad buffers.
Throttle and Max-execution-time
The problems with WordPress seems twofold.
First, as I expected, WASD’s throttle causes problems. Immediately after Diana was started, I started the blog. It stated showing up but ended halfway the calendar or the links, or gave me a 503 error (too many processes in FIFO) but never showed the text. And there were no other processes accessing the blog except for this site itself:
First of all, I trued to give the processes a bit more room: all three times as much. That did help a bit, but now it became clear that the maximum execution time (set to 90 seconds) was too low. So I gave the process two minutes to execute, and disabled throttling – for now, until I find a solution to throttle only incoming requests from other sites than my own.
Somethin like:
if (!remote-addr:(my address) throttle=5,0,0,8,00:02:00, 00:05:00
So the same rule as before, but limited to ‘foreign’ addresses, to prevent an overload.
The overall effect seems dramatic, especially in the number of processes: this dropped!
but it shows that WordPress – at least: most likely – may start more than just a few processes…

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