
Flash player for VMS
to see what the “Trips, Tracks and Travels” page looks like on OpenVMS, I downloaded Flash player for VMS, pointed to by the HP SWB site. However, it crashes Mozilla, and I contacted the author.

Hi Mark

I just downloaded and installed the flash plugin for CSWB, but as soon
as some flash object is executed, I get the attached dump (plain VMS
textfile, embedded in ZIP to send by SWB).

OpenVMS 8.3, Alpha
CSWB version 7.1.11
Webserver WASD 9.2.0

This is his reply:

I need to remove that file from my server. Do not use this product. It
was based on Flash V4 and many of its assumptions are no longer valid.
It will crash on many of today’s flash pages.

I have thought about porting a more recent flash player but it is not
currently at the top of my todo list.

Mark Berryman

I can only agree.
So we’re back to zero: no flash player. Have to inform HP to remove the link!

Anti-spam gateway works
Since the gateway is installed, I got:

23 messages discuarded (score > 50), 1 false positive
72 messages quarantained (score > 5), 3 false positive
The number of blocked messages because of RBL is not counted, so I cannot tell. Given the history, that would be over a hundred.
The number of blocked relay-attemps is not logged in the web interface. I would have to check the logfile for that, but typically just a few.

Leaving me valid messages only since 08-Sep-2007 19:00.

All false positives have been added to my “allowed” list.

As a side effect, the operator log is no longer clogged with SMTP messages that are blocked becasue the senders is on an RBL list (blocked), non-translateble address (set aside), MX-only (set aside) or relayed (rejected). Just the ones that actually reach the server, or are blocked by that (remember I didn’t chnage ANYTHING on the SMTP serive itself) – so the file is now just about half the size it used to be.

BTW: My concern on the messages is silenced: The messages are kept, I just have to click the right selection on the web page…

T4 collector not started
Looking what’s on the system, I realized that startup does have a flaw – thought I would expect no porblems since should be kept in batch: T4 has not started after the reboot.
No big deal, it’s not that critical so when there’s time, it will be restarted. (To be investigated: why it disappeared from batch and isn’t restarted)

Trips, Tracks & Travels updated
The last entries that I already placed on Diana have been added to this “site” . There is more to come, first I need to prepare the remaining images and GPS track data and upload it all. Currently, there is some other activnity to attend.

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