
To https or not to https…
Mark Daniel has created some tools (well, ported them from Linux) to enable modern key-constructs on WASD – a requirement to run WASD 11.1 because HP’s latest version cannot be installed properly unless you are able to patch your system – which requires a support contract that I cannot afford |(and more with me). One more reason to do so is the increasing complaints of browsers about self-signed certificates…
Mark had set things up beginning of this month and all works fine now, but since these keys have a lifetime of 90 days, you need to refresh them regularly.
Well, that is what this product does – for free.

So I installed it, and since I haven’t changed the current keys, all is still working, But the product requires a plain-text key for the generation of the new ones, and this is missing in both Webmail and operator sites. And I had some other questions.
Mark supplied answers and I changed my system accordingly, but I still have to do some checks before I can state it all works properly.

One thing I could do is move all webmail and operator stuff to the main form. Of course you would need to login before you can access them (or even if possible, see the links on the page), but here I ran into mapping problems I could not solve that simple. For instance, the home page contains a CSS that is taken explicitly from the non-secure site; so I needed to change a text file to accommodate both flavours.
However; I ran in to the inaccessibility of anything beyond the home page – including the blog, so I had to revert most of that.

So this is a matter that will take some more time, but eventually it will be there.

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