
Blog problems
A few days ago I noticed that neither blog was accessible: I got non-CGI-conformant reponses which caused WASD to signal an error. As it turned out, this was caused by different errors that occurred out-of-the-blue on the 6th of October:

%HTTPD-W-NOTICED, 06-OCT-2017 06:01:44, CGI:2215, not a strict CGI response
-NOTICED-I-SERVICE, http://www.grootersnet.nl:80
-NOTICED-I-URI, GET (19 bytes) /sysblog/?feed=atom
-NOTICED-I-SCRIPT, /sysblog/index.php sysblog:[000000]index.php (phpwasd:) SYSBLOG:[000000]index.php
-NOTICED-I-CGI, 2553595354454D2D462D53544B4F56462C20737461636B20 (66 bytes) %SYSTEM-F-STKOVF, stack overflow, PC=FFFFFFFF80C3B42C, PS=0000001B
-NOTICED-I-RXTX, err:0/0 raw:286/0 net:286/0

and occasionally

%HTTPD-W-NOTICED, 06-OCT-2017 13:04:30, CGI:2215, not a strict CGI response
-NOTICED-I-SERVICE, http://www.grootersnet.nl:80
-NOTICED-I-URI, GET (20 bytes) /sysblog/?m=20080721
-NOTICED-I-SCRIPT, /sysblog/index.php sysblog:[000000]index.php (phpwasd:) SYSBLOG:[000000]index.php
-NOTICED-I-CGI, 2553595354454D2D462D41434356494F2C20616363657373 (118 bytes) %SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual address=000000003B706870, PC=FFFFFFFF80C3B42C, PS=0000001B
-NOTICED-I-RXTX, err:0/0 raw:188/0 net:188/0

It made no difference whether I restarted the server, of MySQL (since that causes time-outs in PHP 5.4 causing similar problems here).
Unaware of any change in the environment, I consulted Mark Daniel but even he couldn’t locate something…

However, tried again today with WATCH enabled, i DID get a response I could work with: accessing SYSBLOG not just gave me the output I was familiar with, but also a clue on what may have been the cause: WAS was able to capture the output of the PHP engine before it was overwritten (?) by the error (that also showed up) which is returned to the browser – causing the Server error (and hence, non-conformant response). And that lead to the memory blink: I renamed one of the files in the WordPress environment, assuming it was one of those blog-specific files. It isn’t….

So I revered that error – and the blogs are accessible again.

This is the WATCH result that suddenly showed the case: When accessing this blog, once the stack trace was found. The Trips, Tracks and Travels blog, accessed a few minutes later, shows just the result; without the warning – and this is what I normally would see when WATCHing this.

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