
DoS attack on blogs
This morning, the web was unreliable in both speed of access and success. Webmail, which normally works like a charm, would react slowly, cause a 503 error, or time-out. The same to the opertion desk: the home page is a plain HTML file – no withles nor bells. That would load fine, although slow, but access to functions within the menu could cause similar problems.
Luckily, the WASD web-pages were acecsable.
Looking at what could cause the problems, I looked at the activity on the system, and I notices a really large number of PHP-server processes: meaning that someone was trying to blow the blogs to pieces.
So the next action was to stop these processes, but it seemed an impossible task: for any process I killed, another one was created. Or processes were said to be ‘suspended’…
Next stop: restart the webserver – which normally causes all pending PHP-servers to disappear. But not so this time; that is: the server list of running processes showed them gone, but SHOW SYSTEM still had them….So I retried – wityh no luck.
At some point, an error 500 (unexpected server error) was returned whenever a rfequest was send that would the webserver require to create a new process; but since the admin apges are handled internally, WATCH could show me the reason: “no pcb available”. The system was simply out of gas….But not completely, wherever the webserver could handle requests itself, like the admin pages, the images beyond the Trips,Tracks&Travels blog, or download files, that worked as before. Also mail and other processes normally running kept running as usual; a bit slower, perhaps.
It was not until later in the afternoon that I had the ability to solve the problem, because of this lack of process blocks, login wasn’t possible either – I just had to work from the console.
To my luck, the DecWindows session on my console was still up and running, so from there, I could try to clean up the mess. Each slot tahat would normally be open, was now occupied by a ser4ver-subprocess running PHP, in either LEF or LEFO state. So I stopped each of them. Next re-showing what was running, the processes re-appeared, to I tried again – with no result.
The only solution I had than was to reboot the server. After that, the webs worked like they should.

Next thing is to examine what happened….

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