
Work at hand
Apart from the PHP issues, there are a few other things under construction: A new homepage, and a suite to process network-related logfiles.
For the new homepage I plan to use Mark Daniel’s VmsWasdContentManagementSystem – a native VMS executable that can handle this type of posts – even blogging is an option (perhaps, any blog on this site may be redesigned using this package). I had the beta installed, so I removed it to prevent problems that coud arise; downloaded the latest version, (both the sources and the AXP objects), built and installed it. It does require some configuration, and mapping in WASD, and to get famliar with it (and because of the recommendation) I set up the example as in the documentation. But either I don’t understand or mis-interpret the docs, or these are inconclusive (incomplete of plein wrong – I cannot tell), I ended up with a message:
ERROR 403 -  reported by VWcms
Site directory not configured!

To be investigated….
Network logging
It’s an idea for quite some time: Scan all incoming network access, find out who’s attempting to hack, or abuse the systems, and shut the door for these people.
I started today with a program to scan the SYSLOGD logfiles on Diana: the firewall on the dge of the domain logs all access in this file, and when it is over 25.000 blocks in size, it’s cycled, and all cyccled files are stored in a zip file during the monthly maintenance process. Other files to process are the PMAS and FTP logfiles, and the access logs of the webserver.
So I need a program to convert these files into data that can be stored and analyzed, and that is also capable of updating the firewall with the top-100 addresses; the Vigor is capable of storing 192 single addresses, address ranges or networks that can be denied access – at the gate.
I started with a DCL-procedure that splits the SYSLOGD output – either active or archived – into incoming and outgoing traffic; each of which is next split into protocol-specific files; so at that moment, I have all lines of logging for every protocol, either incoming or outgoing – in exactly the same, fixed format. Therfore, it’s very easy to extract the required data from these files: date and time of access, the source and destination address and port – and the protocol.
Since there is quite a number of archives to process, I also created a procedure to scan a directory for these files – put there by hand of by unzipping an archive – and have each file processed that way. I’ve taken a decision to mark each final output file by the date it is created, and once created (if not existing) it will be extended with each SYSLOGD file that is processed.
This works fine now – next is the extraction of the same data from the PMAS logfiles, but IIRC, that has been done already, I just have to look fro them; otherwise, it is not a lot of work to do the same for these files. The same applies to the web-server access logfiles: Create a procedure that can handle one, and I’m done (just add a wrapper that passes the filename of the file to be processed.).
And, of course, a program to store this data into a database, a program to analyze the data, and one to update the firewall accoringly.
A few days ago, I found out – by accident – that the PMAS license expires tomorrow. I sent a request for a new license to the address I know exsists for that type of message – but it bounced. Next, I sent it to the address of Hunter Goatley – who’s in charge of the hobbyist licenses – and that bounced as well. So I sent it to the support desk of Process Software, but since I have a free license, they couldn’t help me; in stead they passed another address – which bounced also, so I was advised to contact Hunter directly – which didn’t bounce for the next hour. So it is likely to arrive; hopefully Hunter is not on holiday, and the license arrives is time – or I’ll be buried under all the messages that PMAS is now blocking ro rejecting…Fingers crossed….

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