
Webserver updates
The WASD mailing list sent out a notice of a vulnerability of OpenSSL, nicknamed “heartbleed” and since this server is built using OpenSSL (be it the WADS version) it coul be effected as well. Mark Daniel has taken a look into his sources and plugged the hole – and the new kit has been made available, send out word and recommended a rebuild of WASD.
And since the latest version (10.3) was already planned, I did both in one go. So now the server runs WASD 10.3, linked with (WASD) OpenSSL 1.0.1G. In the process, I also updated the webmail program (now 1.7.0), and some other products are waiting. But Soymail returns an error:
Internal consistency failure ... language file. and WATCH doesn’t show anything weird..
It’s not something to be worried about too much. Just a nuisance.