
Locating the right layout
Now I have VWCMS running, it’s time to locate the right format for my homepage. Of course, I could fall back onto the current one, but it would be nice if there is a new look and feel on the site 🙂
So I searched for free website templates and I came along Wix.com. They offer a nice tool to create your site – but it has to run on their servers, and to link the domain to the site, it’s no longer free….
Second sources is freewebsitetemplates.com that offer a number of ‘free’ templates to be created on…wix.com.
Nevertehless, they offer downloadable, CSS-based templates that I can now install to have a look. Since this installation is rather standard, it is possible to automate the basics, and si I now can just run a procedure to do just that:

Create a directory tree under VWSCM_ROOT – if needed. Some packages have the directory spec in the ZIP-file, others don’t. By examining the location of index.html in the zip file; if there is no directory in front, it must be created and it must be mentioned as target directory. Otherwise, UNZIP will create the tree, so the target is VWCMS:[000000]
Next, locate two files form VWCMS_ROOT:[STARTER} to that directory.
Now the site must be added to the configuration:
Add new lines to VMSCMS_CONFIG: and add them to WASD_CONFIG_MAP.

It meant a small change in the WASD mapping configuration:


pass /tinymce/* /tinymce/*

[includefile] wasd_config:vwcms_test.conf

# Public web

and this file wasd_config:vwcms_test.conf is extended by the procedure, as well as the VWCMS configuration file, by open/append and writing the appropriate lines.

One other thing is needed: INDEX.HTML must be renamed to _SITE.HTML, and a line must be added:
<link href="_vwcms.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
must be added directly after
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

I did this by copying each line of INDEX.HTML to _SITE.HTML, and add this extra line if the line read contains “HREF=STYLE.CSS” (I uppercased the content for the equation).
In most cases, this worked, but in some, the line read spans multiple lines in the view, so you need a small edit of _SITE.HTML, but that shows immediately..

LAst but not least: Change protection of all files to W:RE, and indeed, in most cases the templates can be visisted.

This makes it easy to adapt the template to fit my needs.