Track of today on the map
Track of today.
Track of today in satellite
The track projected in the terrain, showing (more or less) where the images were taken.
Morspoort being renovated
Potmolen - decorated because of festival last night
Ships engine on transport
Front view
Old-time ambulance
Crossing the Rhine
Old houses on the quay
Inner canal: higher standing
Gravensteen mansion, one of the university buildings in the center
PietersKerkhof - once the cemetery of the church (on the right: Pieterskerk) now a square
City hall
Statue "Bloemenkoopman" (Flowerist) on the Visbrug
Hartebrugkerk in the distance
Leidse Waag (building with scales, for weighing goods - or people)
De Burcht (Stronghold)
Entranve to the stronghold