Track of today on the map
Track of today.
Track of today in satellite
The track projected in the terrain, showing (more or less) where the images were taken.
Farm at the crossing
Lake in the woods - former claypit
Another former claypit - with the stone
Shadow walks with us
At the entrance route to the brick factory
Former brick factory buildings behind trees
"Eiland van Maurik" recreational area ...
... with the movable weir in the river
Geese in the outlands
It is a huge area...
Geese and cattle
Farmhouse, build to withstand flooding - quite common in autumn and sping
Tha lands of the farm
Mill of Maurik
This is, historically, THE area for fruit growing: plantages within wind-breaking hedges, parallel to the lines of trees ...
... and on the short end
Geese time
Route to a ferry for pedestrians and cyclists - but not in winter