Track of today on the map
Track of today.
Track of today in satellite
The track projected in the terrain, showing (more or less) where the images were taken.
Fairly straight on, South-East...
... along what seems to be a former side-stream of the Rhine. This was, perhaps, the main stram in Roman times.
the Curina tower of Rhenen (on the opposite bank) over covered fruit plantation
A scene you won't see that often: Cows grazing on the dike.
Small path of woodland. No trespassing....
Diversion: around a lake formed by a breach
Wind breaker
Fruit plantations on the dry side...
.. and bushed on the other side ...
.. that is wetter (and prone to flooding)
Along another remains of a breach
Getting around it
Typical T-shaped farmhouse
Berry-plantation, with bows to hold nets, protecting the fruit from birds
Big willow
Ditch lined with trees
Deerpark in Kesteren