
E-mail restrictions

To prevent abuse of my mail server (that is: to prevent spammers using the server for their malicious practices) I used the built-in facilities.

  • A number of sites are know to be spammers, either as a real source or not blocking them from their machines. Well, I cannot keep track of these fast moving addresses so I use publicly available lists.

  • Other users could try to use the mail server to send mail to users outside my domain. They won't succeed - the server only accepts incoming mail to be delivered in the "grootersnet.nl" domain, and outgoing mail id only accepted from within the network. 

  • A number of domains have been found to be sources of unwanted mail, mostly send by people that think they earn some cents spamming others. These have been explicitly been locked out, completely.
    This includes:
        YAHOO.COM and all local YAHOO sites, worldwide
        All .BIZ domains
    More domains can be added!

  • ALL ABUSE IS LOGGED AND ANALYZED, Do not be surprised if abuse is tracked down and prosecuted when possible.

If your ISP is well behaving, doesn't allow abuse as above and is known to my network, there's nothing wrong. E-mail will normally be delivered at this domain.
However, I've found some actually well behaving companies use addresses that can not be translated into a domain - causing failure of delivery of e-mail.

If this may happen,  try to contact my , this may allow mail from that specific address. The filter is less restrictive.
Be aware, however, that I'm not a regular visitor at that site. However, if your e-mail domain is known to be notoriously bad behaving and  placed on a black list, it won't be accepted by that server either - and so your email will never get through. You'd better find another ISP...  

Anyway - if I get such a message, I can take measures to allow your e-mail to come through - to the grootersnet.nl domain ONLY, of course.


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(c) 2003- 2007 W. Grooters    Last updated 01-01-2008