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The different landscapes in one shot: Woords, farmland and shrubs.
02-Damage * The main damage it at the back: It's missing. * 1984 x 1488 * (702KB)

03-TopOfTheHill * Over the hills to Grande Mormont * 1984 x 1074 * (358KB)

04-Elder * A flowering elder tree. * 3072 x 2304 * (1.27MB)

05-ElderFlowers * Close-up of the flowers * 2492 x 2256 * (984KB)

06-Crucifix * A crucifix in the woods - a place of meditation and prayer * 1772 x 2356 * (690KB)

Click for the original image
07-Woodland.jpg - 3690 x 1435 - (1.14MB)
12-Sep-2008 21:19
08-Acre * Acre full of young crop. It loks like cabbage... * 1984 x 1488 * (559KB)

09-LonelyTree * A single standing tree marks the path to take. * 1461 x 1383 * (304KB)

10-Jungle * Somewhere we had to walk.... * 1984 x 1488 * (635KB)

11-ForestEdge * Our path would leads to the forest in the back, along the cut treestems * 1488 x 1984 * (736KB)

12-Path * but futher on, it seems to be a clear through the high grass between the trees * 1984 x 1488 * (787KB)

$text.updated-on 12-Sep-2008 23:35
(c) 2008 Willem Grooters, Rita ter Steege