HOME  »  Leusden-Veenendaal 03-Oct-2007 »  Viewing 00-Map     [Image 1 of 40]  :: Jump To  
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25 kilometers, start and finish at the Hamershof shopping center. The track doesn't kame it all to Veenendaal, that is another two miles or so the the southeast.
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00-Map.jpg - 509 x 950 - (177KB)
14-Oct-2007 19:46
00-Google * The trach projected in GoogleEarth. The numbers refer to the picture locations. * 528 x 922 * (109KB)

01-Cohensteeg * The end of the first part of the Cohen Steeg in leusden. Do NOT cross the bridges, it won't bring you to the dyke... * 1984 x 1119 * (531KB)

02-PadOverDijk * The start of the path following the Valleikanaal. (Dug in the 1930's, following the bed of streams already there, and all material was deposited on this side, so that became the dyke) * 1984 x 1488 * (792KB)

03-Laagte * A low spot, so that means a pond. In spring, this area is home of many green frogs - and they make a lot of noise! * 1984 x 1488 * (493KB)

04-GevallenBoom * A willow tree broke into pieces after a summer storm a few years ago, but it's still alive , at least, most of the branches, including the one that arches thhe path. * 1818 x 1347 * (628KB)

Album last updated on 14-Oct-2007 21:59
(c) 2007 Willem Grooters, Rita ter Steege