

The HP site states that the PHP 1.3-1 package is based on PHP 4.3.10. That might be true, I cannot control that.

But I found out - by using PHPMyAdmin - that the MySQL extension (phpmyadmin.exe) is based on MySQL 3.something. 

Not a BIG issue, but it creates some problems in accessing a MySQL 4.1 database: the password mechanism is different. That means that if you installed and configured a database using the mysql command line interface - and specified a password the 'normal' way - you will not be able to access that database using PHP, unless you have taken particular precautions. It's a know issue, it's mentioned on the MySQL site

This is (of course) a workaround. The real solution is to build an extension for MySQL 4.1.

For that, you'll need the PHP sources - these are included in the SWS sources. Also, you need to have SSL-libraries, and where they come from isn't very important: you can use the SSL files by HP, or OPENSSL-implementations - I used the one from WASD.

To build the PHPMySQL extension, you have to create your own build file; be sure to have the references to the used SSL libraries correct - and have these files located on SYS$SHARE!!!! Build will be alright but PHP will complain the resulting exe is not a PHP library....

The whole process is described on the 4ovms bulletin board 

(* I would like to have it copies here but the bulletin board is unavailable as I write this *)

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