
New development environment in the making
Over a year ago, I had the opportunity to attend a workshop by ECube showing their Eclipse plugins so you can use a normal PC to do development om VMS. It requires some installation on the VMA side: Java, GNV, Samba and NxtWare server (their product).
I chose my old PWS (now at 512 Mb memory) as a server – small, too small to run the NetBeans solution of HP (tried that several years ago: no success), but according Kevin Barnes of ECube, big enough to handle the load on Nxtware-remote; It would take some time to startup, but otherwise, it would be fine.

Well, I tried at that time but I didn’t get Java to run at all.

Yesterday, I found out why: Installation wasn’t complete. Well, installation was, but the environment needs to be started as well – and that part was missing.
GNV was already installed (may need an update).

Today I installed the client side: Java and Eclipse. The newest version (Oxygen) offers specific environments, getting a base setup however is put behind “Advanced” option. Guessing that’s what I need, I installed just the base version; and next the Nxtware plugins. These do not yet show up but it might be caused by a missing client license.

Yet, I need some more software on the VMS side: CIFS (AKA Sambe). It may already be installed but not yet configured, I do have the installation files but I’m not sure of their version – I need to get the latest from the HPE side. Looking around there for quite a while, found the location but the links to download the .ZIPEXE files (self-extracting zip-files…) refer to ftp-HP.COM sites – no longer available.
Pushed a question on the HP support forum to get an answer. Until I get that answer, I’m stuck..