Login failures

I created a commandprocedure (for a colleague, to start with) to run every night, scanning the accounting file for failed logins, using the /SINCE=YESTERDAY quelifier, so I’ll get only the most recent ones. I display name, account, and, if applicable, the address of the remote site.

Usually, it just shows:

21-NOV-2006 00:01:02.27 Login failures found
Time                 Username     UIC                  Account             
                     RemoteID             System
                     Code      TEXT
No login failures found
but to have a clear view on what happened before, I used /SINCE=01-Jan-2004 – which gave me all entries since December 2005, and nothing before. Obvious, since that’s when this VMS instance came alive (I will need to run the test on the old accounting file to get more)

That revealed a few interesting attemps. What to think of a script from a Windows box:

13-MAY-2006 16:40:03 Administrato [TCPIP$AUX,TCPI                     
                     FTP_18F2BB1A         rrcs-24-242-187-26.sw.biz.rr.com
                     00D380F4  %LOGIN-F-NOSUCHUSER, no such user

** Repeated 2281 times **
13-MAY-2006 16:54:39 Administrato [TCPIP$AUX,TCPI                     
                     FTP_18F2BB1A         rrcs-24-242-187-26.sw.biz.rr.com
                     00D380F4  %LOGIN-F-NOSUCHUSER, no such user
About a month later, it was attempted a second time:

12-JUN-2006 21:50:29 Administrato [TCPIP$AUX,TCPI                     
                     00D380F4  %LOGIN-F-NOSUCHUSER, no such user

** Repeated 2281 times **
12-JUN-2006 22:16:50 Administrato [TCPIP$AUX,TCPI                     
                     00D380F4  %LOGIN-F-NOSUCHUSER, no such user
Quite recent, but seen the number of attempts, probabbly just an error or someone who is more or less knowing what he’s doing:

 8-OCT-2006 03:49:37 root         [TCPIP$AUX,TCPI                     
                     FTP_40394046         drizzle.bluegravity.com
                     00D380F4  %LOGIN-F-NOSUCHUSER, no such user
8-OCT-2006 03:49:37 root         [TCPIP$AUX,TCPI                     
                     FTP_40394046         drizzle.bluegravity.com
                     00D380F4  %LOGIN-F-NOSUCHUSER, no such user
I hope this time posting doestn’t fail. I tried twice today and both attempts went wrong due to a HPARITHM error