
A slight change
It’s getting exceedingly problamatic to login as administartor on the blogs. It all boils down to the PHP installation and mapping, so I’ll upgrade both Wasd, PHP and WordPress as soon as possible – probably next weekend. That also means that the view of these blogs will change…Hopefully it will solve these (and other) issues; I’ve tried so using Daphne – that runs WASD 10.0.2, the lastest PHP port by Mark Berryman and WordPress 3.0.1. And since the latest vesrion seems to be 3.0.5 (shown on the banner on the admin pages) that would be a major upgrade. But the greatest chnage will be in the WASD envrionment. Luckily, it has been set up on Dahpne so it’s merely a matter op copying the files.
I hope…
To get around a few issues, I changed the design of the Trips, Tracks and Travels blog – using another theme, which loads faster – and allows login from it. The Dust Theme always required by restart of the browser, and somethimes this helped….
DDoS attempts
It has been quiet on the (D)Dos front fro some time, but this weekend there has been another attempt, from different addresse; it might have been a distributed atgtack, or ifrom one route over different anonymizers – but the addresses have been noted; action is planned.\
Fiber coming
According the plans, laying the galss fiber in our street will start this week – and within a few weeks I’ll have my FAST access. Originally I opted for a 10Mb connection, but since 50Mb (symmetrical) is not that much extra, I’ll make my move.


Mail statistics
PMAS statistics for Oct
Total messages    : 2985 = 100.0 o/o
DNS Blacklisted   : 1897 =  63.5 o/o (Files: 31)
Relay attempts    :   90 =   3.0 o/o (Files: 31)
Processed by PMAS :  998 =  33.4 o/o (Files: 31)
        Discarded :  206 =  20.6 o/o (processed),   6.9 o/o (all)
     Quarantained :  208 =  20.8 o/o (processed),   6.9 o/o (all)
        Delivered :  584 =  58.5 o/o (processed),  19.5 o/o (all)

Compared the numbers with those of half a year ago (4-May-2009) the numbers tell a story: the total amount of messages has dropped by 2000 – almost half; the percentages are fairly equal – except for the percentage of DNS-blacklisted messages that is significant lower. But since the number of accepted messages is more or less the same as before, the percentage has doubled.

I’m not sure what caused this trend, there can be many reasons: blockage of spamming domains and open relayes, less infected systems connected (some Dutch ISV’s do).

PHP et al
No news on this front, just that WP 2.8.5 has been released, plus that I don’t think my troubles are over with that version. I tend to forget about PHP alltogether. There are more issues than I want to handle. So….

Blogging program
I started the development of this program. It will be a daemon that can handle multiple blogs concurrently, so that means a one-time reading of the configuration and keep it in memory, and it gives me the ability to cache files (index pages come to mind, rebuilding the indexes is only needed when a page is added or removed).

But since I’m not yet familiar with C, it will take some time…