
Coïncidence: NTP DOS?
Yesterday morning, Thomas Heim send out a warning on the OpenVMS SIG list that he had seen evidence on his systems of an exploit of a hole in older versions of NTP, and his warning was “Beware”.

That evening, when heading for bed, I heard my VMS server beep every few seconds. It normally does if a mail message comes in but at this rate, that means trouble.

And yes, I got loads of messages, that all concerend massive outgoing UDP traffic on port 123 – the NTP server, to a limited number of addresses but dirfferent ports on each of them. At times, there was a message concerning traffic to port 80 that was suspected to be torrent-based (quite unlikely to have UDP-traffic to a webserver…) so I got these as well.

Quite a coincidence?

Stopping the NTP server stopped the flood of messages, but after I restarted it, it restarted within a minute. So I turned my attention to the fireewall where port 123 (the standard NTP port) was still open. So I closed it and blocked all incoming traffic on port 123 – from any address.

Restarted NTP and after that, at least the flood of mail messages stopped so I wouldn’t be kept from sleeping. Whether I have to worry about time keeping remained to be seen. But a quick glance this morning reveled that time services still ru and do get an answer (the log states [Pass], so I think I don’t have to worry anymore for my time-keeping.

But there is still a lot of investigation to be done. The whole sequence styarted just after 21:00 and went on to justr after 22:00 when I stopped the NTP server; Restarted it at 22:10, the circus commenced so stopped it again at 22:11. Blocked the port in the firewall and restarted NTP at 22:16.
Just one (!) message blocked, and no problems ever since.

Next step is to investigate – as far as possible. I’ll keep the logfiles at hand (tonight they will be moved to the archives by the monthly maintenance job…).


A slight change
It’s getting exceedingly problamatic to login as administartor on the blogs. It all boils down to the PHP installation and mapping, so I’ll upgrade both Wasd, PHP and WordPress as soon as possible – probably next weekend. That also means that the view of these blogs will change…Hopefully it will solve these (and other) issues; I’ve tried so using Daphne – that runs WASD 10.0.2, the lastest PHP port by Mark Berryman and WordPress 3.0.1. And since the latest vesrion seems to be 3.0.5 (shown on the banner on the admin pages) that would be a major upgrade. But the greatest chnage will be in the WASD envrionment. Luckily, it has been set up on Dahpne so it’s merely a matter op copying the files.
I hope…
To get around a few issues, I changed the design of the Trips, Tracks and Travels blog – using another theme, which loads faster – and allows login from it. The Dust Theme always required by restart of the browser, and somethimes this helped….
DDoS attempts
It has been quiet on the (D)Dos front fro some time, but this weekend there has been another attempt, from different addresse; it might have been a distributed atgtack, or ifrom one route over different anonymizers – but the addresses have been noted; action is planned.\
Fiber coming
According the plans, laying the galss fiber in our street will start this week – and within a few weeks I’ll have my FAST access. Originally I opted for a 10Mb connection, but since 50Mb (symmetrical) is not that much extra, I’ll make my move.