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Kaub to Lorch - and a bit further to our camping site. A high climb, getting into side-way valleys of Volkenbachtal and Schenkelbachtal (passing old mines and quarries), keeping more or less to the same height. A steep descent to Lorch, and from there, another 9 kilometres to the camping site, otherwise the walk would be too short. From the camping site, I cycled to Kaub to get he car.
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Track.jpg - 799 x 892 - (91KB)
16-Oct-2008 23:53
Google-0901 * The route as seen on Google Earth; the numbers reflect location of the pictures, * 799 x 1124 * (321KB)

01-PfalzGrafenstein * The Pfaltz - a kind of fun castle, line a ship in the middle of the Rhine, bit now seen from the Kaub side. * 1984 x 1488 * (456KB)

02-BurgGutenfels * Burg Gutenfels - opposite a bend in the path. * 1984 x 1488 * (495KB)

03-AbandonedVineyard * Abandoned vineyard - like many in this area, too steep to be able to earn a living with viniculture. Often, the field is cleared, but this one was just left alone. * 1984 x 1488 * (675KB)

04-LookingDown * Looking down on Kaub * 1984 x 1488 * (656KB)

$text.updated-on 23-Oct-2008 23:04
(c) 2008 Willem Grooters