HOME  »  Rheinsteig - Goarshausen - Wiesbaden » 03-09 »  Viewing 04-Zauberhoehle     [Image 6 of 22]  :: $text.jump-to  
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Close by there is the "Magical Grotto" - a manmade feature you could pass - in pitch-black darkness, ending in the domed building in the background. Well why not:
Track * Assmannshausen marks the entrance of the Rhine, struggling through the Eiffel-Hunsrück-Westerwald-Taunus plateau. From here, the route runs to the east, on the slopes known as the Rheingau Mountains - the southern slopes of the Taunus plateau. Today’s walk starts at Assmannsshausen, and ends in Johannisberg - where we parked our bikes. It means a descent to lower grounds to get to Assmannshausen by bike - easier than climbing in the end. Finding them was a bit troublesome - we headed the wrong direction (South) but once directed to the right place (The Wine Palace) it was a piece of cake. * 1290 x 873 * (131KB)

Google-0903 * The projection on Google Earth shows that this walk followed the boundary of woodland and viniculture for most of the time. At times running trough woodland, at times between vineyards. It's also clear that the landscape has changed dramatically: Wide open, rather flat areas in stead of the narrow, steep and rocky passage North of Assmannshausen. * 1155 x 823 * (354KB)

01-Klinging * A tree bulging out of the rock, in our ascend over Assmannshausen. * 1984 x 1488 * (740KB)

02-Tree * The very same tree but shown form a different angle. * 1488 x 1984 * (628KB)

03-CastleNiederwald * Niederwald - a ‘castle’ used by the noblemen when hunting. * 1984 x 1488 * (496KB)

Click for the original image
04-Zauberhoehle.jpg - 1984 x 1488 - (570KB)
15-Oct-2008 20:17
05-FlashedCorridor * Spying around with the camera, to find out how the turns would be. Not entirely honest, of course ;) * 1488 x 1984 * (482KB)

06-Corner * The alley curves several times and ands in an open space in the centre. * 1488 x 1984 * (367KB)

07-OpenSpace * Even flash didn't reveal all very clearly, just a faint idea where to go. * 1488 x 1984 * (361KB)

09-CentralRoom * This is the other end of the square room. Not the way to go. * 1488 x 1984 * (461KB)

10-Rossel * Once back on track we came upon the Rössel tower - a viewpoint over the valley * 1488 x 1984 * (549KB)

$text.updated-on 23-Oct-2008 23:04
(c) 2008 Willem Grooters