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Arriving at the scene, we still had to cross the river. This time, we would cross using the Kaub ferry - a somewhat more comfortable ride to, and from the ferry. The camping site we would stay on is several kilometres south of Lorch - in an area that was named "Freistaat Flaschenhals” during some time between the great wars.

01-PfalzGrafenstein * Like a stone ship, this small fun castle - Pfalz Grafenstein - stands on it's island in the middle of the river. * 1815 x 1089 * (290KB)
02-BurgGutenfels * Kaub castle - the next day we would walk on the ramp just below the big letters stating this is a hotel. * 1914 x 1335 * (358KB)
$text.updated-on 23-Oct-2008 23:04
(c) 2008 Willem Grooters