HOME  »  Rheinsteig - Goarshausen - Wiesbaden » 31-08  (18 Slides)     [Page 2 of 2] :: $text.jump-to  
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The first walk was the longest and heaviest of all - and the hottest. Sankt-Goarshausen, over the Loreley, Spitznack, Roßstein, and Dorcheid to Kaub. Twice a steep ascend - first to Burg Katz, down to the railroad and steeply going up again to get to the Loreley. Rewarded with stunning open view in both directions. One on top, the walk was fairly even, and Spitznack and Roszstein offer fine views as well. The walk over the plain to Dorcheid ended in a very steep descends to Kaub.

16-ToDorscheid * We had our share on our side: This is the Taunus plateau, on our way to the village of Dorscheid - away from the Rhine, for a while. Here, the landscape is dominated with acres and meadows. * 1984 x 1488 * (339KB)
17-DescentToKaub * Once beyond Dorscheid, we headed back to the river, along a narrow valley. * 1488 x 1984 * (576KB)
18-BurgGutenfels * The castle above Kaub - on the opposite side of the Blüchertal. We went down this side, and would pass the castle tomorrow. * 1984 x 1488 * (476KB)
$text.updated-on 23-Oct-2008 23:04
(c) 2008 Willem Grooters