
Nothing special
Apart from a large amount of relay attempts (Chinese, as was to be expected – more on this later) there is not very much going on.
PMAS statistics for October
Total messages    :   9072 = 100.0 o/o
DNS Blacklisted   :    108 =   1.1 o/o (Files:  1)
Relay attempts    :   6938 =  76.4 o/o (Files: 31)
Accepted by PMAS  :   2026 =  22.3 o/o (Files: 31)
  Handled by explicit rule
         Rejected :   1184 =  58.4 o/o (processed),  13.0 o/o (all)
         Accepted :    190 =   9.3 o/o (processed),   2.0 o/o (all)
  Handled by content
        Discarded :    372 =  18.3 o/o (processed),   4.1 o/o (all)
     Quarantained :    223 =  11.0 o/o (processed),   2.4 o/o (all)
        Delivered :     57 =   2.8 o/o (processed),    .6 o/o (all)

I looked into the history of PMAS – you can generate reports – and that shows that the amount of blocked messages is sort of stable, after a massive amount in 2012:

Messages handled per year
Messages handled per year

As you can see, the number of messages that are scanned, filtered and actually delivered are not that different. That the number of messages in 2015 is lower than this year’s score is that I had a lerger number of sites blocked.

However, there is no report on relay attempts. Last month, there have been three days where the number of attempts exceeded the acceptable. All used a forged greootersnet.nl “user” and the intended recipient was xiaonanzi11165@vip.126.com or jijing667@163.com, happening on:

Date         from         to           number  Sender address
08-Oct-2016  05:28:00.33  09:29:16.83    2338
25-Oct-2016  04:36:16.74  08:01:39.65    1989
             08:07:00.28  08:29:54.11     364
29-Oct-2016  16:53:41.50  20:46:29.11    2264

I might create a program or procedure toe scan these files and by that, obtain information on which metworks to block next. However, I also need to check the router logs – there were 10 last month with sizes over 25000 blocks:

  • 2016-OCT-01 00:00
  • 2016-OCT-03 00:00
  • 2016-OCT-07 00:00
  • 2016-OCT-10 00:00
  • 2016-OCT-14 00:00
  • 2016-OCT-17 00:00
  • 2016-OCT-21 00:00
  • 2016-OCT-24 00:00
  • 2016-OCT-28 00:00
  • 2016-OCT-30 00:00
  • which is more than usual.
    Test site set up
    I set up a WordPress site for a friend of mine, who runs a small catering and baking business, that started as a hobby. Her current site is actually unmaintainable because there is no way to add content. The basics have been installed now, I’m trying to get an event calendar incorporated that links to Google agenda, and a contact form. It will take some time but when it runs, and she’s happy with it, it might (will?) be moved to her ISP.