
First upgrade
I’ve done some testing on the preview of Windows10, using the old Athena box and didn’t find anything disturbing, so I am confident enough to upgrade my workstation. And so I did. No issues with upgrade, all seems to work fine; the only thing I needed to re-install were the NVidea Geforce drivers; But even that went without a problem.
There still are a few Windows 7 systems, but these couldn’t be upgraded to Windows 8 since HP had some software installed that I do use, and that is not compatible with Windows 8 – and so I think it will cause problems with WEindows10 as well. These are to be scanned first, before I decode to upgrade, or not.

Oh yes, there is this DKA0 disk…Well, next week.


No real surprises, in first glance:
PMAS statistics for July
Total messages    :   3010 = 100.0 o/o
DNS Blacklisted   :      0 =    .0 o/o (Files:  0)
Relay attempts    :   1680 =  55.8 o/o (Files: 31)
Accepted by PMAS  :   1330 =  44.1 o/o (Files: 31)
Handled by explicit rule
Rejected :    762 =  57.2 o/o (processed),  25.3 o/o (all)
Accepted :    227 =  17.0 o/o (processed),   7.5 o/o (all)
Handled by content
Discarded :    170 =  12.7 o/o (processed),   5.6 o/o (all)
Quarantained :    139 =  10.4 o/o (processed),   4.6 o/o (all)
Delivered :     32 =   2.4 o/o (processed),   1.0 o/o (all)

but there have been quite some attempts to relay:
PTSMTP_ANTIRELAY.LOG-2015-07-11 is 118 blocks: check file ANTIRELAY.-2015-07-11
It contains 486 records, most from din0017@163.com (, 460), and, far less, from
zurdocore19@gmail.com, 28)

PTSMTP_ANTIRELAY.LOG-2015-07-12 is 70 blocks: check file ANTIRELAY.-2015-07-12
This file contains 288 records, all mentioning din998@126.com (;

This month’s champion however is another Chinese script:
PTSMTP_ANTIRELAY.LOG-2015-07-28 is 196 blocks: check file ANTIRELAY.-2015-07-28
Containing 704 attempts by xiaonanzi11162@sina.com (, except for two.

But this month’s reports may be lost.
There is no mention of it anywhere, not even by infozip (used to store the files there), that DKA0:[LOGSARCHIVE] cannot be found. As it turned out, it seems the disk isn’t connected and so the system cannot locate it. Looking back, I already noticed I had one pagefile where I used to have two.
Looking into the error log (ANA?ERR/EVL TRANSLATE/SINCE=22-Jul/OUT=x.x) I noticed the disk was properly dismounted, but there was no mentioning on startup. At least, no error/ Though, If I had looked to the overfew of free blocks in the system, I would have realized something was wrong:

%STARTUP-I-DSKINFO, Determining free diskspace
Device Name   Volume Label   Used Blocks     Free Blocks      Total
------------- ----------- -------------- --------------- ---------
$116$DKA100:  AXP084      51799491 (73%)  19315132 (27%)  71114623
$116$DKA101:  WEB2006     45337251 (64%)  25777372 (36%)  71114623
$116$DKA102:  USERDISK    27580063 (39%)  43534560 (61%)  71114623
$116$DKA105:  L500        27042046 (39%)  44072577 (61%)  71114623
$116$DKA106:  QUORUM           348 ( 1%)   8377680 (99%)   8378028
$1$LDA1:      WEB_DISK2    3302336 (**%)    297664 ( 0%)  33600000
$1$LDA4:      HYPERSPI      307004 (16%)   1692996 (84%)   2000000
$1$LDA10:     JFPLIB0004A   206448 (83%)     43552 (17%)    250000
$1$LDA11:     JFPPY0100A    747488 (68%)    352512 (32%)   1100000

No DKA0 shown here.
So I will have to re-open the system, check connectors to DKA0 and restart…