
I did change the PHP environment from physical to logical (I still need to describe it explicitly, there will be a note on the blog when I’ve done that) and changed the entry in the webserver configuration accoringly – for this blog. Bot I’ve another blog running and my T4-watcher is PHP-based as well. And I forgot about these. So the Trips, Tracks and Travels blog, not the T4-viewer worked….
That has been handled this morning.


PHP update- continued

Mark Berryman sent a new version of PHPWASD.EXE and with that one, I didn’t get an access violation. But there were some other problems as well, that appeared when I switched the environment back to 5.2; I had to do some editing on the main PHP_STARTUP.COM procedure before it all went as expected. After that, the previous PHPWASD for PHP 5.3 still ran into ACCVIO so there surely something wrong with the 5.3.10-kit…

But with WP 2.6.3 there still are these missing end-tags that are causing problems. The first one appears in wp-includes/post.php – any ‘require’d file before hols the tag. in 3.4, the end-tag is missing in most, if not all files.
Since there is no other change in environment but the PHP environment, the suspicion in the parser in PHP5.3 is missing something….


PHP update tried again

Mark Berryman couldn’t reproduce it at his site, so he requested some more data.

I made it easier to switch between PHP versions: since it’s not just PHP_ROOT that needs to be changed, the RTE (PHPWASD.EXE) needs to be changed as well since calling PHP hqas been changed in thus update. I don’t know yet if PHPWASD – as a logical – can be used in the WASD config: worth investigation as well – but some other time….

I did some more investigation in the matter, after changing to PHP 5.3 again; and adapted the WASD configuration so I could run PHP_INFO – and found that the problem seems to lie in included files – even with the current, older WP version. But when experimenting with this, it’s not that simple. A simple file, just echoing something, to be included in PHP_INFO.PHP, works fine, with, or without “?<” tag.

Pushed the results to Mark as he requested, and continued looking deeper.

Next, to make a switch easier, I tried defining PHPWASD as a system logical and use that in the WASD configuration, in stead of a full specification:
(the version for PHP 5.2)
and in HTTPD$CONFIG, have the PHP extention execute the file referred to by this logical, instead of a fixed file, by changing the line:
and restarting the webserver.
Accessing PHP_INFO.PHP ran – flawlessly.

So I changed the lines that run this blog likewise:
exec /sysblog/**.php (cgi_exe:phpwasd.exe)/sysblog/*.php \
ods=5 script=syntax=unix script=query=none map=once

exec /sysblog/**.php (phpwasd:)/sysblog/*.php \
ods=5 script=syntax=unix script=query=none map=once

and behold: it works – after which I added these lines!

So all I have to do next is add this setting of the RTE execuatble in PHP_STARTUP and swithing bwteen PHP 5.2 and 5.3 is a matter of running the right file….Or even better: have a PHP_STARTUP in the WASD environment, that takes the PHP version as a parameter.

Got an answer: PHPWASD.EXE seems to be the wrong once more…. Since I had 5.3.10 downloaded already, I installed that version instead. Now I get an access violation.

Not much help…. Sent the info back.


A day without Spam
Hard to believe but it happened: Yesterday there was one (1) SPAM message. If it was sent just 10 minutes later, there would have been no discareded or quarantained message at all.
Didn’t look into rejected messaqges – there have been a few, about 20. Not that much as have been handled daily in the past weeks.

Retried PHP update
Mark Berryman’s commented on the previous attempt that I reversed the next day. I made some mistakes….
Today I retried and took his advise: Do a clean install and use the supplied version of the interfacing program – because there are some differences that are incompatible with the version supplied by Mark Daniel – and the right version of PHP.INI that comes with the package.
Thougfh I still got the ‘depricated’ messages, these can be suppressed in the web-interface by canging the value to one of the configuration items, but still the blogs don’t show up. No error message using IE – but WATCH output showed a 500-error: Something is definitely wrong – but no clue on what.
So I used the PHP image on the same PHP-source:
$ php :== $php_root:[bin]php.exe
$ set def sysblog:[000000]
$ php index.php
PHP Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in
/sysblog/000000/wp-settings.php on line 472
PHP Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in
/sysblog/000000/wp-settings.php on line 487
PHP Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in
/sysblog/000000/wp-settings.php on line 494
PHP Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in
/sysblog/000000/wp-settings.php on line 530
PHP Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in
/sysblog/000000/wp-includes/cache.php on line 103
PHP Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in
/sysblog/000000/wp-includes/query.php on line 21
PHP Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in
/sysblog/000000/wp-includes/theme.php on line 623
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /sysblog/000000/wp-includes/post.php on line

Again, the ‘depricated’ messages show up (although it has been suppressed in PHP.INI) but also another failure: Unexpected $end on the first included file. Weird, since the file hasn’t been changed in the update: It starts with tag <?php, but there is no corresponding endtag ?>. The PHP documentation on the tags clearly recommends omission of these end-tags if the code is pure PHP – as is in this case:

When PHP parses a file, it looks for opening and closing tags, which are < ?php and ?> which
tell PHP to start and stop interpreting the code between them. Parsing in this manner allows
PHP to be embedded in all sorts of different documents, as everything outside of a pair of
opening and closing tags is ignored by the PHP parser.

If a file is pure PHP code, it is preferable to omit the PHP closing tag at the end of the
file. This prevents accidental whitespace or new lines being added after the PHP closing tag,
which may cause unwanted effects because PHP will start output buffering when there is no
intention from the programmer to send any output at that point in the script.

Nevertheless: adding it to the file seems to solve the issue for that file – but then the same problem arised on the next file, and the next….
Changing all 300+ files in that matter is not feasable. Even more: since it’s a recommendation to OMIT the end-tag, there should not be a need for it.
To be sure, I also dowloaded the latest WP version (3.4) and ran the INDEX.PHP file using the PHP command. I would expect an error message because wp-config.php isn’t there – but here again the parser complains on a missing end-tag:
$ set def wp34:[000000]
$ php index.php
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '>' in /wp34/000000/wp-blog-header.php on line 19

Depending on the file, it unexpectedly encounters “>” of “$end” on end-of-file – where the end-tag “?>” should be implied. At least, it looks that way.

But no more depricated interfaces, which is good.

So, again I had to revert the update.

The issue has been sent to the WASD mailing list. Hopefully there will be an answer soon…


Minor glitches on startup
There were still a few gltches in accessing the vmswiki, but it was fairly easy so find the cause: A wrong logical diskname for the LD-device holding Python and moinmoin (the wiki software) and a typo in defining moin_static – that I define as a searchlist, so I don’t have to move around with files when installing a new moinmoin version….
After that was settled and repaired, the wiki works like before – a slow starter but once started, pretty fast.
Blogs more responsive
The blogs are more responsive as well, and suffer less partial crashes – so far. More important: I have less trouble logging in into the admin pages. I must have cleaned up quite some things in the attempt of updating and reversing the whole activity.
But now I got the answers on what the heck had happened, I coud give it a try once more. In which case I may decide to upgrade WP as well. That normally is easy, no trouble at all, though I’ll have to prepare a thing or two. But every update went nice and smoothly. But I’ll take Mark’s suggestion: have a look first what changed between 5.2 (supplied by HP and ported by Mark Berryman – which is the current version I’m using curently) and 5.3 (as ported by Mark Berryman). Anyway I’ll have to use the version op PHPWASD that comes with this kit…