
zend mm heap corrupted
The very basic page of WordPress 2.6.3 – default, nothing fancy, will appear without a problem. at least, there is not a lot of data, and it appears rather fast, even on the emulator. Entering the admin pages may result in crash of the PHPWASD instance that executes part of the code – and the element it took care of, ends with the message “zend mm heap corrupted”:

But after I enabled logging in php.ini, less frequent. Weird. I’ll have to ask others about this.
However, trying to upload an image fails, without warning – and without an entry is a logfile; such a file isn’t even created, but that may be a matter of configuration. The PHPWASD process that still exists, will do little. It doesn’t crash, but no data is returned, and the browser will eventually run into a timeout. It may be storage of the file isn’t allowed yet, so I’ll need to look into that before pointing to PHP, PHPWASD or WP to blame. That’s for the next attempt.
I found some workaround on the internet yesterday but I couldn’t locate that page today….

Access to the database is, as far as I have tested so far, not a problem. Slow, but that can be expected.

Thought:These “zend mm heap corrupted” messages appear where this version of PHP runs into “Stack overflow”. Would that tell a story?? It may be worthwhile to mention it to the people of PHP (though they don’t know anything about VMS…)


Now I can access the database on Diana, next tests concern WordPress. To simplify matters (I didn;t want to mess up an environment that actually works) I made a backup of the basic WP environment on Diana that is used by all blogs, and restored it on the emulator; set the logicals similar to Diana, and copied the hidden configuration file as well. I changed that to access the database on Diana instead the one on localhost, and tried to fire things.
It failed.
Well, partly. It took some time but in the end I got the “NoService” page – from the publioc website. Some thought: it’s rather obvious. The database contains a self-reference, and that causes the problem. Since the basic environment can only be accessed using https: from the operator page, this reference has been changed to link to this site – over a secured socket. That one didn’t exist, hence I got the “NoService” page from Diana…

So i did have to create a database on the emulator. Well, PHPMyAdmin runs so that is easy. Once created, I ran WordPress install script. Got some errors: stack overflow appeared here as well, and a missing table (of course: the database is still very, very empty 🙂 . But finally, I got my password and could login into the new blog. First action once logged in, was changing the generated password for a new one that can be remembered. A first attempt failed because there is too little pagefile left. though I created a second one yesterday, that wasn’t installed yet….
Done so (and adapted SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM) and retried. Now I could get into the user-management page, inputted the new password and hit the Update button.
But that didn’t work, that is: WASD complains about a non-compliant response – also appearing on the console:

%%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM   3-SEP-2009 22:33:18.68  %%%%%%%%%%%
Message from user H (0)                        Cur Top: TCPIP$NTP_1 (1)
Process HTTPd:82 reports28, not a strict CGI response
%HTTPD-W-NOTICED, CGI:1928, not a strict CGI responsewp-admin]profile.php) cgi_e
-HTTPD-I-SCRIPT, /wp263/wp-admin/profile.php (wp263:[wp-admin]profile.php) cgi_e
xe:phpwasd.exe5374617475733A203330320D0A582D506F77657265642D42 (2048 bytes) Stat
-HTTPD-I-CGI, 5374617475733A203330320D0A582D506F77657265642D42 (2048 bytes) Stat
us: 302..X-Powered-B

tried it a second time and it happened again.
This is an error I’ve seen before: cr/lf between “302” and “X-Powered” causing havoc. So I’m not sure whether the password has actulaly be changed; I had the same problem on Diana before. Something to check with WATCH – but time has run out to handle it tonight….


WordPress and PHP
Still struggling to get a proper display of the Bootcamp 2007 blog using WP 2.8.2, two (!) new releases of WP has come out since I installed 2.8.2 – both security-related. Not that is would solve my problem, but I stilol think it wise to install the latest version – will be the second half of tjis week since I have other obligations on Monday and Tuesday…That will be version 2.8.4 – or perhaps an even newer one, when I’m ready to get to work on it…) though I very much doubt it is the solution to the problems.

PHP is another matter. Not a week after I issued a complained why it took so long to get at least the sources available on-line (to build a MySQL-5 engine), the patch was released – inclusing the sourcekit. (Purely by coincidence, no doubt, but it’s always nice to have at least some influence 🙂 )
I didn’t have time to play with it yest, except for installing it on a Personal Alpha and find indeed a new version (2.10 hould read as 2.1.0 ?) and being linked against MySQL 4.1 (which Mark Daniel seems to have left out). But now the sources are available, nothing stops me of rebuilding the engine.

Were it not that someone else (Mark Berryman) located another exclusion – not even documented as being excluded!: The SPL extension that is required for PHPMyAdmin (perhaps for a newer version that I have installed (2.8) but nevertheless, a miss, and filter extensions to prevent cross-site scripting. He has been able to rebuild PHP.EXE and PHPSHR.EXE, including MySQL 5.1. So I downloaded the kit and will test it to see what works – and what doesn’t. His set has PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expression) built-in so I need to disdable it in PHP.INI.
Something to test – as well. Perhaps it will solve the WordPress issue as well.

New tracks
I did have some time to upload some new Trips, Tracks and Travels content: Our last walk of the Pieterpad, and a variant of the Hanzepad. I also added the tracks of our trip to Italy this year.
So I’m getting back on track 🙂


One version of WordPress
i downloaded the latest version (2.6.3) and moved all blogs to this version.
There are a few nasty things with this version: the password of the Trips, Tracks and Travels blog could not be changed; that is: the server returned “Non-CGI-compliant result”m on password change, but it WAS changed. I found out that I needed to log off where it would – probably – be activated, but as it turned out: just once; after logout, the password was, again, gone. No error message, it just didn’t show anything. In the end I copied the SYSBLOG password, hoping that that didn’t blow either. Now the password for that blog is all right.
The bootcamp2008 blog converted without a problem (came from 2.5, and 2.6 is a direct descendant from that version) and so did the Bootcamp2007 report (upgraded from 2.2.3). Login wasn’t a problem in either of them; why it did fail in TTT, remains a mystery. though it is found in the server log – and I remember to have seen it before:

%HTTPD-W-NOTICED, 29-OCT-2008 22:08:48, CGI:1928, not a strict CGI response
-NOTICED-I-SERVICE, http://www.grootersnet.nl:80
-NOTICED-I-URI, POST (28 bytes) /tracks/wp-admin/profile.php
-NOTICED-I-SCRIPT, /tracks/wp-admin/profile.php tracks:[wp-admin]profile.php (cgi_exe:phpwasd.exe) TRACKS:[WP-ADMIN]profile.php
-NOTICED-I-CGI, 5374617475733A203330320D0A582D506F77657265642D42 (2048 bytes) Status: 302..X-Powered-B
-NOTICED-I-RXTX, err:0/0 raw:1501/0 net:1148/0

So that is still to be solved.

There is a little problem with the admin page of the SYSBLOG blog: It shows an error in one of the panes:

Warning: Compilation failed: this version of PCRE is not compiled with PCRE_UTF8 support at offset 0 in /sysblog/wp-includes/compat.php on line 94

Warning: array_slice(): The first argument should be an array in /sysblog/wp-includes/compat.php on line 95

Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /sysblog/wp-includes/compat.php on line 96

In this blog, it is caused by one incoming link, from the old SYSMGR blog on blogspot.com
Not a big issue; it’s a known limitation of this PHP engine….
What’s more: the problem with the dotted filename seems gone. In this version, I kept these filenames include the dot, and it simply works…

Now all blogs are on 2.6.3, so the older versions can be removed.