
No surprises
The saving of logs worked like a charm – as always. Nothing strange in that logfile.
Number of messages still pretty low compared to the past:

PMAS statistics for September
Total messages    :   2203 = 100.0 o/o
DNS Blacklisted   :      0 =    .0 o/o (Files:  0)
Relay attempts    :    246 =  11.1 o/o (Files: 30)
Accepted by PMAS  :   1957 =  88.8 o/o (Files: 30)
  Handled by explicit rule
         Rejected :   1257 =  64.2 o/o (processed),  57.0 o/o (all)
         Accepted :    309 =  15.7 o/o (processed),  14.0 o/o (all)
  Handled by content
        Discarded :    139 =   7.1 o/o (processed),   6.3 o/o (all)
     Quarantained :    209 =  10.6 o/o (processed),   9.4 o/o (all)
        Delivered :     43 =   2.1 o/o (processed),   1.9 o/o (all)

Number of relay attempts as well: the amount was notable on 5 days only (where the logfile was over 5 blocks in size but not as big as in previous months: just a few block more. There has been quite some internet traffic though; the router logs in a SYSLOG daemon, and the logfile is cycled when it’s over 25000 blocks – 12 Mb – and this happened every 3 days or so. Well, not too bad…
A few days ago there has been an attempt breaking the DNS server for quite some time – I was at the console when it started and could block the offendig addresses (two in the same netwoirk) in the router. Nothing heard from them since 🙂
Travel posts
I’m working on the week-long trip of last year’s fall – time to finish the data on the Lahnsteig trail we followed that week. I finished glueing together whatever was to be combined, dumped the tracking data onto maps, still have to do the projection on GoogleEarth and picture that as well. Putting it all into a presentation (which usually takes some time as well…) before it can be published. However, there is an additional problem: The logical disk I defined for Trips, Tracks and Travels is quite full: just 3% is now free – being 919136 blocks – less than 500 Mbytes. Way too small to hold this album. But it can be extended – there is stiill little over 10 Gb available on that (physical) disk. Or use another, totally free 32 Gb disk that is still in the system and move all of the images to that location….
This is a better solution anyway, since I also need to finish the Corfu trip of this year, and the journal of this year’s Long Distance Footpath (not totally finished yet, two more legs to go…).
I can do so without downing the site – the advantage of VMS’s abilities 🙂


Locating the right layout
Now I have VWCMS running, it’s time to locate the right format for my homepage. Of course, I could fall back onto the current one, but it would be nice if there is a new look and feel on the site 🙂
So I searched for free website templates and I came along Wix.com. They offer a nice tool to create your site – but it has to run on their servers, and to link the domain to the site, it’s no longer free….
Second sources is freewebsitetemplates.com that offer a number of ‘free’ templates to be created on…wix.com.
Nevertehless, they offer downloadable, CSS-based templates that I can now install to have a look. Since this installation is rather standard, it is possible to automate the basics, and si I now can just run a procedure to do just that:

Create a directory tree under VWSCM_ROOT – if needed. Some packages have the directory spec in the ZIP-file, others don’t. By examining the location of index.html in the zip file; if there is no directory in front, it must be created and it must be mentioned as target directory. Otherwise, UNZIP will create the tree, so the target is VWCMS:[000000]
Next, locate two files form VWCMS_ROOT:[STARTER} to that directory.
Now the site must be added to the configuration:
Add new lines to VMSCMS_CONFIG: and add them to WASD_CONFIG_MAP.

It meant a small change in the WASD mapping configuration:


pass /tinymce/* /tinymce/*

[includefile] wasd_config:vwcms_test.conf

# Public web

and this file wasd_config:vwcms_test.conf is extended by the procedure, as well as the VWCMS configuration file, by open/append and writing the appropriate lines.

One other thing is needed: INDEX.HTML must be renamed to _SITE.HTML, and a line must be added:
<link href="_vwcms.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
must be added directly after
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

I did this by copying each line of INDEX.HTML to _SITE.HTML, and add this extra line if the line read contains “HREF=STYLE.CSS” (I uppercased the content for the equation).
In most cases, this worked, but in some, the line read spans multiple lines in the view, so you need a small edit of _SITE.HTML, but that shows immediately..

LAst but not least: Change protection of all files to W:RE, and indeed, in most cases the templates can be visisted.

This makes it easy to adapt the template to fit my needs.