Hanzepad: Deventer-Zuthpen

Some years ago, we walked the Hanzepad, a long distance path between Kampen (or better: IJsselmuiden, that’s where the station is) and Doesburg, following the river IJssel, and passing cities that once were members of the Hanze – a trade union that bonded cities in the Baltic states, Sweden, Denmark, Nothern Germany and the Netherlands. Cities like Zwolle, Deventer, Zutphen and Doesburg could be reached by sea vessel in those days. All these cities are on the Eastern shores of the river, and the path follows the river quite closely – as close at the water edge, at times, or by paths on the dykes – on the Eastern side.
The exception is the route between Deventer and Zuthpen. The normal route crosses the river in Deventer, leads through the lands on the Western side, close to the river, and crosses the river again to get into Zuthpen. The variant doesn’t cross the river, instead heads a bit more inland, along woods and meadows. That’s the route we walked today.
The images I took (with my phone camera, since I didn’t buy a proper one yet) can be seen here; the track is available as GDB, GPX and CSV file.