
WASD installation


Ok, the major part. For details, RTFM. These are my recommendations.

The server comes in two zip files: a general one containing all sources, applications and the files required to build it, and one that is platform-specific. Download both, and put them on the directory you want to install the server on. That is: unzipping will create a [HT_ROOT] directory tree below that location.

Installation is straight forward: Best to unzip the general ZIP file first, and add the platform specific to it. That way, you're sure that all in on the right spot.

Next, define HT_ROOT to the right value:


for instance:


Next, set your default to HT_ROOT and start to install:

$ set def HT_ROOT:[000000]


and follow the instructions. It will link the server, move the files to the right position AND TEST IT!

Once it get to that point - a recognizable point since you'll have to specify a (dummy!) password - launch a web browser of choice, point to port 7080 on your server and behold the starting screen - if everything works (and I didn't find different):


Finish that, enter ^C (CTRL+C) to stop the server process (because that's what's launched) and continue the installation.

Once that is finished, the next (daunting) task it to configure the server. That implies the editing of at least, and if you have authentication as a requirement, 3 files at least, all located on HT_ROOT:[LOCAL]: HTTPD$CONFIG.CONF, HTTPD$MAP.CONF and HTTPD$AUTH.CONF. The first is the major server configuration, the second keeps all mapping rules and the third configures authentication.

In that process, you will find you will need to restart the server, or reload the mapping, not once, but several times. Do yourself a favour and define a foreign symbol in your login:

$ httpd :== $HT_EXE:HHTPD.EXE

because that opens a world of possibilities for commandline control.

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(c) 2003- 2006 W. Grooters    Last updated 16-11-2006