
WASD webserver

WASD is a web server designed as a native VMS application, with focus on efficiency and speed - aside strict conformance to the standards. By default, that is, because a lot of these can be overridden by setting the appropriate configuration parameters.

Since it's strictly VMS, it handles clustering by default, and inherits VMS's security standards, Even better, it enhances them by disallowing SYSPRV privilege when requiring authentication, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Not just a web server, it comes with a bunch of goodies like Hyperspi to peek to the system's performance over a period, Web-access to VMS help and DEC$BOOK files, and one hell of a web-based administration utility - that covers not just the web server but the whole system context it runs in. Last but not least the WATCH utility - a facility that you WILL miss once you learn it's power.

WASD can be downloaded from http://wasd.vsm.com.au/wasd/  as well as some other programs that I can recommend.

Of course, there is a load of documentation. It's there, on line, for your convenience. USE IT. READ IT before installaition and, most of all, before configuration. The server offers a huge amount of control, makes it unprecedented flexibel, configurable and tunable, but that makes it harder to configure than SWS (for instance).

Luckily, there is WATCH. WATCH IS YOUR FRIEND.

And there are facilities for tracing DCL scripts used in CGI programming. 

Both tools are PRICELESS!  



WATCH example



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(c) 2003- 2006 W. Grooters    Last updated 16-11-2006