
Power down a while
I had to do some work on the power grid in the house, so all systems have been down for about 90 minutes. I could have restarted Diana somewhat quicker but cleaning up a bit was thought to be more important.
Diana has been shut off actually – completely – before I removed power, and when power came up and the switch was thrown – nothing happned. That is: Diana did some work, poker the keyboard twice, and suddenly seemed to stop. No reel beeps. I restarted the HSZ50, I didn’t shutdown the controller when owering down the grid, perhaps that might have caused some trouble. After I restarted it, Diana did start.
No problems like the previous restart, though there is an attempt – again – to start the WEBES stuff. Well, it has all been removed – but the script rus in VERIFY mode. I couldn’t find yest where this sript is launched. It might be a script mentioned in the startup-database. Indeed it is:

SYSMAN> startup show file
%SYSMAN-I-COMFIL, contents of component database on node DIANA
Phase Mode File
------------ ------ ---------------------------------

These files need to be removed (de-installing the product didn’t work, since a procedure is simply missing….):

SYSMAN> startup remove file WCCPROXY$STARTUP.COM
SYSMAN> startup remove file DESTA$STARTUP.COM
SYSMAN> startup remove file CCAT$STARTUP.COM
SYSMAN> startup show file
%SYSMAN-I-NODERR, error returned from node DIANA
-STARTUP-E-COMFILEMTY, STARTUP component file is empty.

Hope that did it 🙂

Hyperpsi – the web-based program I use to have a look on yesterday’s performance – hadn’t run since last boot, because one logical wasn’t setup properly, but this time, it’s all smoothly started. I miss the data between 17-Oct-2007 21:00 until today’s reboot at 17:00 but that should not be a hell of a problem.
I think trouble has been triggered by WEBES starting that time, causing a far to high load for programs to initialize properly. I can only guess – but now WEBES isn’t started (the whole directoty tree has neem removed) it seems to make a difference.

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