
All blogs on MariaDB
Tonight I installed the latest version of MariaDB that has been published on OpenVMS (5.5.58) and moved all blogs to that version. Or stated otherwise: phased out MySQL 5.1.43, that served me well for several years. Since my requests have been included (ask what port to be used – not 3306 since yoy may have multiple database engines running…) this went fine: Copy the MYSQL databases to MariaDB and convert them. It meant I needed to redo the changes I did on the Trips, Tracks and Travels blog but since these are minor, it was not much of a problem. Added a new entry as well.
So far, it seems that this blog is faster than the other, but time will tell about the full performance.
If all runs well for some time, the next step is to update PHP – preferably to the latest version (7.0.24) that has been set up – but not yet activated.

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