
Today I updated the blog software which went almost flawlessly – but the cause of trouble was me: After creating a running copy of the current version in a separate directory, I made some typing errors in defining the blog searchpath, and forgot to change the protection of files. Once that was settled, the blogs could be accessed using the previous version of the software while I was updating and testing the new one. Once that was found to be fine, just resetting the logicals was enough to have the new version live.

(oops – I don’t see a preview pane, where there was one before…Might be a twist in the PHP engine, or is something broken?)

Second, I wanted to update phpmyadmin to a new version – I already downloaded 2.0.10 and now it was time to install it.
Well, that didn’t run as nice as I expected. Of course, I used a similar method: Renamed the root directory, anmd renamed the directory that resulted from unzipping the kit, to the correct name.


have worked. But is didn’t.

First of all, the kit contains files named like “something.type.php” and extracting the zip, this expanded to “something_type.php”. or with even more embedded dots. Of course, trouble arose. The solution is a small, simple procedure to rename what’s to be renamed:
$ extensions = "/inc/lib/class/default/dbi.lib"
$ I = 0
$ I = I+1
$ ext = F$ELEMENT (I,"/", extensions)
$ if ext .EQS. "" THEN GOTO Done
$ if ext .EQS. "/" THEN GOTO Done
$ Full = f$search("phpmyadmin:[000000...]*_''ext'.php", 1)
$ IF Full .EQS. "" THEN GOTO ProcessExt
$ fdev = F$PARSE (Full,,,"DEVICE")
$ fdir = F$PARSE (Full,,,"DIRECTORY")
$ fnam = F$PARSE (Full,,,"NAME")
$ fext = F$PARSE (Full,,,"TYPE")
$ fgnam = F$EXTRACT (0,F$LENGTH(fnam)-(F$LENGTH(ext)+1),fnam)
$ fgext = "."+ext+fext
$ GFull = fdev+fdir+fgnam+fgext
$ RENAME/LOG 'Full' 'GFull'
$ Goto Loop
$ Done:
$ exit

This solved that problem, it did start allright, but next, I ran into the problem that any specified authentication method was deemed ïnvalid, even the original file didn;t work properly, although the documentation clearly states it should be sufficient.

So this version is unusable for now.

Forum disabled
I have disabled the forum for now. There are far too many bogus members to handle, I need some plugins to keep things more managable: checking e-mail address before storing, an easy view on IP addresses and a facility to store them easily, and a few more.

Web redesign
is not progressing very much now, since the preparation of the pictures of this year’s holiday must be finished first. But given time, it will come – onde day.