
Statistics for November
PMAS statistics for Nov
Total messages    : 4270 = 100.0 o/o
DNS Blacklisted   : 2581 =  60.4 o/o (Files: 30)
Relay attempts    :  163 =   3.8 o/o (Files: 30)
Processed by PMAS : 1526 =  35.7 o/o (Files: 30)
        Discarded :  290 =  19.0 o/o (processed),   6.7 o/o (all)
     Quarantained :  421 =  27.5 o/o (processed),   9.8 o/o (all)
        Delivered :  815 =  53.4 o/o (processed),  19.0 o/o (all)

It looks the number of spam messages is increasing again. Top month this year so far was May, the number of messages dropped in June, and even more in July; until October it stayed failty stable; Octbober had the least messages. However, November shows spam is “back on track” with numbers just under June.
Logs show no real suprises.
There have been the usual atempts on the FTP port – all based on the assumption this is a Linux or Windows machine with some default pachages. The same on the Webserver, and I did check the Wiki but found no evidence of trouble. Same on the blogs, but I’ll keep a keen eye on all.
Updates to come
Later this month, around Christmas, there is time to do some updates.
PHP will be updated anyway. It works fine on the test environment, no real porblems with WP and MySQL. The newer version of PHPMyAdmin fails on that environment, but it’s reported to run; it must have something to do with mapping being wrong, or incomplete. I’ll ask around to find out how others have done it. Probably the current version will have no problems – in which case, I may keep it alive.
WP is still a matter of testing – perhapst it’s exactly the same issue as PHPMyAdmin: a mapping problem.
More important – and requireing far more preparation, is the upgrade of the WASD webserver. Major changes have been made in the running environment: different naming of logicals and directories; logicals are stored in a separate table….So preparation is required, and I’m not certain (didn’t read the notes yet) if it can be installed aside the current one, or if there is some tooling around.
And, of course, there are some patches to the OS that need to be installed. Since the www.OpenVMS.Org listserver is down (several months now) I’ll have to manually check what hasn’t been installed yet.
But that all has to wait. First I’ve got to pass (well, sort of) a certification exam for ITIL V3 over a week and a half….