
Bringing the system up-to-date
Yesterday I backed up the system disk, and that took all evening so there was no time to do the updates, it had to wait until this evening. I first downloaded all latest updates from the AllianceOne site (I do have a SAID by the company, but I would be able to get one by the membership alone…) and did the installations: Update-15 first, and then all that was not included in the one I downloaded end of last year. Just two fail: ACMELDAP and ENCRYPT, since these two require SSL 1.4 installed. I didn;t do that because it’s incompatible with SSL 1.3, and installation of SSL 1.4 would require quite some extra work.

Apart from these updates, I reset the router to be connected on the first WAN port, so the second was freed again. Just that wasn’t sufficient, it also required a change in the NAT configuration, which is acutally WAN-port specific: and that was still on WAN port 2. No wonder that none of the webs didn’t work…But after this was corrected, it all works fine. Except for the genealogy web – that still resides on the old address. So this needs to be addressed at the registrar that controls DNS.

All in all, the sites have been offline for about 2 hours.