
Three updates to be done, without much of a problem. At least, that’s anticipated.
I’m running the release by Jean-François Piéronne, currently version 5.1.23, which has been released quite some time ago. Latest version as today is 5.1.46; same level but probably enhanced. So I updated the database, following the recommendations of the wiki on his site. There is a small typo in this document, but if you know VMS, it’s not much of a problem.
After restart, you need to update a number of tables but the script runs into a number of “Column already exists” errors. I don’t think it matters much, since the database runs fine after that.
The first attempt to access the blogs using IE8 failed but that may have been caused by running PHP-processes that lost connection the database (obviously the database needed to be stopped…)
Anyway, MySQL is now up-to-date.
Python and related
Second there are the Python updates. These come as logical devices: containers conta8ng all files, to be mounted as disks: one containing the libraries, and one containing the running software – one of them being the MoinMoin wiki. That update requires logical disks to be redefined, and some more logicals to be redefined.
This has all been taken care of, but for some reason, something goes wrong in running the WASD-procedure that starts the wiki:

ERROR 502 - External agent did not respond (or not acceptably)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "sys$input", line 12, in

ImportError: No module named server.server_wsgi

I found the cause in the startup-file:

$ proc = f$environment("PROCEDURE")
$ proc_dir = f$parse(proc,,,"DEVICE") + f$parse(proc,,,"DIRECTORY")
$ @'proc_dir'logicals
$ @python_vms:setup
$ mcr cgi_exe:pyrte sys$input

# Debug mode - show detailed error reports
import os
os.environ['MOIN_DEBUG'] = '1'

import sys
import wasd

sys.path.insert(0, '/moin_root/')

from MoinMoin.server.server_wsgi import moinmoinApp, WsgiConfig < ---- Line 12 class Config(WsgiConfig): logPath = '/moin_wiki_root/logs/moin.log' # adapt to your needs! #loglevel_file = logging.INFO # adapt if you don't like the default config = Config() # MUST create an instance to init logging if __name__ == '__main__': while wasd.cgiplus_begin(): wasd.wsgi_run(moinmoinApp) $ $

There must be something changed internally???
I remember there is something in the WASD mailing list on the matter, so I'll have to dig the archives. But after I have removed all bogus accounts (prior to the installation...) there is little chance they have the opportunity to retry 🙂

So for the time being, the VMS-wiki won't start when acessed. Sorry for that.