
Power loss
Shortly after 17:44 local time (the system is set to UTC, no DST, so in nreal time, it’s two hours later) power was llost. The system didn’t restart automaticly since the HSX50 was – once again – too slow. So I had to reboot by hand. By luck, the startup of the web-based stuff didn’t mention the new PHP confuguration so all blogs started as usual.

Speaking the PHP: I got the answers I was looking for. When I use Mark Berryman’s PHP port, I am to use the PHPWASD file he supplies with the kit because Mark Daniel’s PHPWASD kit is not compatible with PHP 5.3, that needs to be called in a different way. Also, some mpdules are built=in where HP delivers them as separate modules.
And I have to do something with PHHP.INI to get the current version of WP running….

So I have to do it again. Perhaps it’s time to upgrade WP as well. meaning I have to do some serious reading. BEFORE the update…