
Wiki taken offline
The number of “users” that create an account on the VMS wiki to post spam content, chnages from day to day, but there is hardly a day that there aren’t any. It’s no big deal to spend 15 minutes a day – or twice a day – to disable these accounts and remove spam. But no day should be forgotten, or the data is captured by search engines – with all consequences. And I use the latest version of MoinMoin….
Wordpress – even the older version that I still have to use (no time to update) – offers the ability to disable creation of accounts, and if enabled, the email address needs to be valid. Anyway, each new user can only post comments – if enabled – and that is scanned for abusive content, deleting it when that is found; and there is also me to accept the comment – or refuse it…
Alas, MoinMoin – even this latest version – lacks such facilities, and my knowledge of Python is nill…
There is a way to prevent users to post messages: but that requires an HTTPS connection and setting things up in the configuration; I’ve tried it, but the documentation on the MoinMoin site isn’t conclusive and I ended upo with a wiki that didn;t start at all…

And with the holidayes approacjing, I thought it better to disable the wiki completely, until I have implemented a workable solution. For instance: generate a password and send it by email, to be changed manually on first access 🙂

Any help is appreciated!

The maintenance job has been changed to remove these disabled users automaticly – so that’s one more job I don’t have to bother about. But it’s better to prevent abusive accounts.