
PHP update tried again

Mark Berryman couldn’t reproduce it at his site, so he requested some more data.

I made it easier to switch between PHP versions: since it’s not just PHP_ROOT that needs to be changed, the RTE (PHPWASD.EXE) needs to be changed as well since calling PHP hqas been changed in thus update. I don’t know yet if PHPWASD – as a logical – can be used in the WASD config: worth investigation as well – but some other time….

I did some more investigation in the matter, after changing to PHP 5.3 again; and adapted the WASD configuration so I could run PHP_INFO – and found that the problem seems to lie in included files – even with the current, older WP version. But when experimenting with this, it’s not that simple. A simple file, just echoing something, to be included in PHP_INFO.PHP, works fine, with, or without “?<” tag.

Pushed the results to Mark as he requested, and continued looking deeper.

Next, to make a switch easier, I tried defining PHPWASD as a system logical and use that in the WASD configuration, in stead of a full specification:
(the version for PHP 5.2)
and in HTTPD$CONFIG, have the PHP extention execute the file referred to by this logical, instead of a fixed file, by changing the line:
and restarting the webserver.
Accessing PHP_INFO.PHP ran – flawlessly.

So I changed the lines that run this blog likewise:
exec /sysblog/**.php (cgi_exe:phpwasd.exe)/sysblog/*.php \
ods=5 script=syntax=unix script=query=none map=once

exec /sysblog/**.php (phpwasd:)/sysblog/*.php \
ods=5 script=syntax=unix script=query=none map=once

and behold: it works – after which I added these lines!

So all I have to do next is add this setting of the RTE execuatble in PHP_STARTUP and swithing bwteen PHP 5.2 and 5.3 is a matter of running the right file….Or even better: have a PHP_STARTUP in the WASD environment, that takes the PHP version as a parameter.

Got an answer: PHPWASD.EXE seems to be the wrong once more…. Since I had 5.3.10 downloaded already, I installed that version instead. Now I get an access violation.

Not much help…. Sent the info back.