
More of the same
The end-of-month processing shows no surprises:
PMAS statistics for March
Total messages    :   2569 = 100.0 o/o
DNS Blacklisted   :      0 =    .0 o/o (Files:  0)
Relay attempts    :    495 =  19.2 o/o (Files: 31)
Accepted by PMAS  :   2074 =  80.7 o/o (Files: 31)
  Handled by explicit rule
         Rejected :   1538 =  74.1 o/o (processed),  59.8 o/o (all)
         Accepted :    176 =   8.4 o/o (processed),   6.8 o/o (all)
  Handled by content
        Discarded :    136 =   6.5 o/o (processed),   5.2 o/o (all)
     Quarantained :    197 =   9.4 o/o (processed),   7.6 o/o (all)
        Delivered :     27 =   1.3 o/o (processed),   1.0 o/o (all)

It may seem weird that there are no mails rejected because of the sender being blacklisted, but that is because I had to disable this….But it seems the rules are strict enough, blocking almost 75% of what remaind. Nevertheless: it might stil be a good idea to re-enable it again, and be at hand if there still is a failure..
There is, however. a very different problem, with VoiP.
The router facilitates VoiP using standard, analog phones. Works fine, except that at times, connections are dropped, and calling us is at times impossible. The Dect phone I used did have a problem with power – the adaptor had a bad connection and the batteries were too old, so the unit ran out of power fairly quicky.
Now we have a new set, and at first, it didn’t show this behaviour. It did, however, show something else – perferrably in the middle of the night, for two nights in a row: it rang a few times, displaying a small number – 2,to 5 digits where 10 is normal. then quit the connection. This happened a few times i a minute, and al of a sudden it stopped.
Today, connection was, once again, dropped after a few minutes…
The big problem to solve it, is that it cannot be reproduced at will. Plus that I will have to reinstall the Fritzbox for the test – something I would try to avoid due to it’s restrictions…