
Moved the images of Trips, Tracks and Travels
The size of the logical disk containing the images of our “expeditions” was extended once before to 15 Gb, but even that is not sufficient; the next bit: our fall trip into Germany (2 years ago – it’s finally done) won’t fit, let alone what is still to come (there still is some work to be done). I do have spare 32Gb disks available so I decided to $ INIT one of them and move the whole directory tree containing the images over to a new directory on that disk, and add the latest album. To access them, I added this directory into the logical that contains all that is part of this environment (including the blog), leaving the now (hopefully) obsolete tree intact:


Because of this, there was no need at all to add anything in the WASD configuration because all that is referred to is this logical configuration:
redirect /tracks /tracks/index.php
map /tracks**/ /tracks*/index.php
exec+ /tracks/**.php* (phpwasd:)/tracks/*.php* ods=5
pass /tracks/000000/* /tracks/* ods=5 search=none dir=noaccess
pass /tracks/* /tracks/* ods=5 search=none dir=noaccess

Of course, this double definition of the image directory isn’t needed at all. Since all data is copied, the old environment can simply be made inaccessible, by one simple DCL statemnent:

$ def/sys/exec tracks web2016:[trackimages.]/transs=conc, -
_$ web_disk2:[blogs.tracks.]/trans=conc, -
_$ wp43:/trans=conc

without touching anything else.

How I love the elegance of OpenVMS 🙂

Setting up a development environment
For some contrast…
I have two Personal Workstations at had: both 256 Mb, Alpha EV56 at 500 Mh – though one has been speeded up to run at the top available: 600 Mhz – it means that the PCI and memory busses are at full speed as well.
This machine got the memory of the other so it now has a whopping 512 Mb of memory 🙂
Meet Daphne: OpenVMS 8.4, booted in the cluster but with it’s own environment, compilers at all. The disk was thought to be 9Gb but turned out to be a 4.3 Gb one. It contained MySQL, SWS, WASD and WordPress versions so there was little room left. So all this was removed as well as any other data – since the system is booted into the cluster and all disks are designed to be mounted clusterwide, I can use the abundant space on Diana for storage, but have the work done on Daphne.
So far, it’s all as expected.
I could stop here and start developing, but I promised eCube half a year ago to do some testing on their development (Eclipse-based) platform; I proposed a small addition (to be abled to use it on a rooted environment where different parts of an application are stored in separate sub-trees) so I needed to install some extra software: the Nxtware Remote toolsuite. That needs Java and GNV, the toolbox to Unixify an OpenVMS environment to ease porting of *x based software more easily.
Installing the IDE (eCube Nxtware) is no problem.
Installing JAVA is no problem.
Installing GNV is no problem. Well, mostly; there are a few updates to be installed but the question is where to get them? There are several places on Sourceforge and the documentation on the site isn’t exactly helping… Installed these, but it is questionable whether these are really the lastest versions (I found newer ones yesterday…)
Configuring Nxtware shows I need to change a few system and process parameters. Process parameters for Java (otherwise it may not work), system parameters likely for the Nxtware server process. After that, configuration starts with extracting files that will be needed by either the server or clients – and there trouble starts: It cannot extract and process < .PAS> en < .COB> files; but otherwise it seems to run ton the end. Starting the server will tall….

But first, I’ll read the docs.