Blogging on OpenVMS for over10 years

I just realized: My first post on my own OpenVMS system (Personal Workstation 500, 256 Mb) was in 11-Nov-2006.. There haven’t been many changes, except for new hardware (DS10, 512Mb) and memory upgrade (which had it own merits, so it took 2 and a half weeks (between 10-aug-2015 and 29-aug-2015)), a change of webserver (SWS/Apache to WASD), PHP (HP’s limited 5.2 port to Nark Berryman’s complete one (5.6 is installed but not yet activated) and MySQL (4.3 to 5.5).
Most have been mentioned in the system log but strangely enough, I failed to locate them…


WordPress updated
Updated all blogs to latest version of WordPress (4.7.1) in a few steps after downloading to workstation and FTP to VMS:

  • 1. Unzip to destination
  • 2. Rename directory (to get rid of ‘standard installation’ and to be able to install aside running version)
  • 3. Define logical for this environment
  • 4. Run WP2VMS.COM procedure to replace underscores (caused by Unzip) by dots, when needed
  • 5. redefine logicals for all blogs to refer to the new WP version.
  • 6. Run the update scripts on each (if applicable)
  • All within 20 minutes, from nothing at all to all blogs done.

    No problems (so far).

    Bad date?
    Noted that all publication dates since 04-Nov-2016 were off one day, and found out that some time in October, the time zone of the blog changed from YCT+0 to UCT+3. Reset to the right value and had to re-calculate the date and time of publication three hours backward. So that’s now corrected.


    Year change activities
    First of all: I wish you a very good and prosperous 2017.

    First cleanup of 2017 just done. Nothing particular, just few relay attempts, but a larger amount of messages picked by PMAS to be rejected:
    PMAS statistics for December
    Total messages    :   3398 = 100.0 o/o
    DNS Blacklisted   :      0 =    .0 o/o (Files:  0)
    Relay attempts    :    126 =   3.7 o/o (Files: 31)
    Accepted by PMAS  :   3272 =  96.2 o/o (Files: 31)
      Handled by explicit rule
             Rejected :   2206 =  67.4 o/o (processed),  64.9 o/o (all)
             Accepted :    196 =   5.9 o/o (processed),   5.7 o/o (all)
      Handled by content
            Discarded :    406 =  12.4 o/o (processed),  11.9 o/o (all)
         Quarantained :    431 =  13.1 o/o (processed),  12.6 o/o (all)
            Delivered :     33 =   1.0 o/o (processed),    .9 o/o (all)

    Of course, it’s all relative, but most of these are signalled in the operator log as well, and it was mainly on one day. However, the SMTP service could handle the load (the max load on the service is limited and I did have refused connections, but not this time).

    Next is placing all data in the appropriate place and save it offline.

    WordPress updated
    All blogs are now running on WordPress 4.7, I just updated them, after s short test. But where I did have dome trouble in the past, this one went without a glitch. At least, once I got the configuration setup right 🙂 )